Fried Rice a la Valenciana

An all in one savory fried rice with a touch of arroz valenciana, a very tasty dish that you can serve for the whole family.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
3 1/2  cups cooked rice
200 grams  pork
200 grams chicken
1 carrot ( dice)
1 green bell pepper ( diced)
1 tablespoon atsuete powder ( annatto )
3 cloves garlic
1/2 piece  onion
1/4 cup water
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the pork and chicken, stir well and simmer until the pinkish color is gone
2. Add the water, salt and pepper then simmer over low heat allowing the meat to be fully cooked.
3. Once the meat is cooked, add the atsuete powder and give a good stir, then add all the remaining ingredients and stir very well until fully combined, then simmer for few minutes until done.
4. Serve hot with any additional toppings that you want to put. Happy eating :-).

Yellow Corn Rice and its Calories

It was 25 years ago since I last ate this yellow corn rice, that's why when I saw this today at the market I bought half a kilo. I thought I will be wrong in my measurement of water but it was just right. I ate some with pork and chicken adobo, so delicious! Have you tasted this kind of rice?

Per 100 grams serving of cooked yellow corn rice  has only 86 calories while white rice has 130 calories.
That's why I switched to yellow corn rice, and I have been eating this for a week now. This is also easy to digest.

1 cup yellow corn rice
2 cups water

1. Boil the water, once boiling gradually add the rice,  mix then cover and simmer until dry over medium heat.
2. When it' already dry adjust the heat to low and simmer for few minutes until fully cooked, then serve.

Pandan Fruit Salad

A fragrant and delicious fruit salad

Ingredients for 6 servings:
1 medium size avocado ( diced)
2 banana (diced)
1 cup diced Peach
2 cups diced watermelon
1 1/2 cup condensed milk
1cup evaporated milk
1 cup all purpose cream or Nestle cream
1 pack green color powdered gelatine
10 pieces pandan leaves


1. Boil the pandan leaves with 4 cups of water, then cook the gelatine according to each packaging procedure, but instead of using tap water, use the water from the boiled pandan leaves. Let the gelatine set, then slice into dice.
2. Mix all the ingredients, refrigerate for few hours then serve.

Note: You can add a little sugar if you want it sweeter, or add more condensed milk.