Showing posts with label Rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rice. Show all posts

Rice With Broccoli

The nutty flavor of the broccoli ant the aroma of the garlic and spring onion made this simple rice recipe so awesome. Try it.

Ingredients for 3 servings:
3 cups cooked rice
1 head broccoli ( cooked and separated)
2 tablespoons butter
4 cloves garlic (minced and toasted)
1/2 cup chopped spring onion
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat the butter then stir in the broccoli for a minute then remove and set aside.
2. After removing the broccoli, add the rice and stir for 3 minutes, sprinkle with salt and pepper according to your taste.
3. Add the broccoli and give a good stir, sprinkle the toasted garlic and spring onion then turn off the heat.
4. Serve and enjoy.

Chorizo Fried Rice

I cooked this from my leftover rice and chorizo.

2 cups cooked rice
4 cloves garlic
1/2 cup chopped cooked chorizo
1/2 cup corn kernel
1/4 cup spring onion
1 teaspoon soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic then add the rice and stir well for a minute, sprinkle the soy sauce, salt and pepper then stir until fully mixed.
2. Add the chorizo and corn then stir again and continue cooking until done.
3. Sprinkle with spring onion then serve with a big smile :-).


Tamales is one of the popular dishes in Pampanga, it's my first time to taste this when I visited my Kapampangan friend, this recipe is from her but she do not want me to put her picture as a contributor, anyway this is really yummy. Try it.

3 cups rice
5 cups coconut milk (thin & thick together)
1 tablespoon atchuete powder
3/4 cup white sugar
3 teaspoons powdered pepper
4 tablespoons peanut butter
salt to taste

1 cup flaked chicken meat (cooked)
2 hard boiled eggs (sliced)
1 cup cooked strips of pork

1. Toast rice until brown. Grind finely. Add salt and pepper. Set aside.
2. Add atsuete powder to coconut milk. Boil in medium heat stirring constantly. Add powdered rice and sugar, stir until well blended and thick, then separate 1/4 of the cooked mixture then mix in the peanut butter for the toppings.
3. Put 3 tablespoons of cooked mixture on two pieces of wilted banana leaves; top with 1 tablespoon peanut-butter mixture, 2 slices of hard-boiled egg, flaked chicken meat and strips of pork.
Wrap to form a square and tie with a string. In a deep pan, put water enough to cover tamales. When water boils, put in tamales. Cover and cook for an hour.
4. Serve and enjoy.

Fried Rice Delight

Simple and easy to prepare but satisfying.

2 cups cooked rice 
2 slices sweet ham
3 cloves garlic
100 grams ground pork or beef
2 eggs ( fried and chopped)
salt and pepper to taste
spring onion to garnish

1. Saute the garlic then add the ground meat and continue to saute until the pinkish color of the meat is gone.  Add the ham and stir for a minute then add the rice and stir well until almost done.
2. Add the egg, salt and pepper then give a good stir until done, when done sprinkle with green onion and serve.

Champorado with Gata

champorado with tinapa
One of my childhood food that I still crave every now and then. Yummy!

1/2 cup glutinous rice
1/2 cup ordinary rice
8 cups water
2 cups pure coconut milk
1/2 cup chocolate powder
sugar (according to your taste)

1. Mix the rice and wash it then put in a pot together with the water and bring to a boil. When it is boiling, stir occasionally so that it will not stick at the bottom of the pot. Add the chocolate powder then simmer over low heat until the rice is very tender.
2. When it's done add the coconut milk and stir until evenly mixed, then add sugar and simmer for few minutes and turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot with tuyo or tinapa  and enjoy!

Simple Rice Salad

Easy to prepare yet yummy and satisfying. I ate this during my lunch, I just partnered it with pork crackling :D Excellent! Better and healthier than fried rice. Try it.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
1 1/2 cup cooked rice
1/4 piece avocado medium size ( diced)
1/2 piece apple Medium size ( diced)
1/2 cup Pineapple tidbits
1 medium size tomato
1 tablespoon diced yellow bell pepper
1 tablespoons diced red bell pepper
1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients and mix well.

2. Chill or serve right away  with spring onion. :-).