Showing posts with label Appetizer and Salad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appetizer and Salad. Show all posts

Potato and Carrot Salad

This easy to prepare and budget friendly recipe will surely make your loved ones satisfied.A perfect appetizer.  Try it.

1 kilo potato (diced)
1/4 kilo carrots (diced)
3 hard boiled eggs ( diced)
1/4 cup parsley ( chopped)
1 cup mayonaise
1 cup all purpose cream
salt and pepper to taste

1. Boil the carrots and potatoes until soft (around 8-10 minutes) drain after boiling and set aside until cool.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients, then chill and serve.

Chickpea Salad

Garbanzo or chickpea is a legume that is high in protein and a good source of iron. The first time I ate it I fell in love with its yummy taste, very creamy and nutty. You can use chickpea in different dishes but for now enjoy this delicious and nutritious salad :-). Below are the basic ingredients but you can add more when you serve it, like sesame seeds and basil leaves.

250 grams chick pea
1 cup cherry tomato
1/2 cup black seedless olives
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lime or lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook the chick pea until tender ( I pressure cooked it for 20 minutes) if pressure cooker is not available, just use a pot and boil until done.
2. When tender, drain and put in a mixing bowl.
3. Add the cherry tomatoes, olives, olive oil,  salt and pepper then mix well.
4. Serve with love and do not forget to smile :-) .

Bell Pepper Appetizer

 A simple appetizer yet nutritious. Bell pepper is an excellent source of carotenoids and a good source of vitamins E and C. You will surely love this crunchy and colorful appetizer which is low in calories (31Kcal per 100 grams). Try this.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 regular size green bell pepper
1 regular size red bell pepper
1 regular size yellow bell pepper
any salad dressing of your choice

1. Slice all the bell peppers into rings then combine well.
2. Serve to your desired presentation or plating. Perfect with fried or grilled  fish or meat

White Sago and Macaroni Salad

White sago is not as transparent  as tapioca pearls but it still delicious and the same in texture. I prepared this for my family last July of 2014 but it is only now that I was able to find this photo from my files :-).

1/4 kilo white small sago ( cooked and drained)
1/4 kilo elbow macaroni ( cooked and drained)
1 small can fruit cocktail ( drained)
1 1/2 cup condensed milk (or adjust according to your taste)
2 cups Nestle cream or all purpose cream
1 1/2 cup evaporated milk

Procedure :
1. Combine all the ingredients then refrigerate.

2. Serve when ready.

Fried Dried Fish

Simple yet special for me, oh how I love this fried fish at breakfast table,  a good appetizer . Wash your hands and grab the fried rice now :-). 

To fry it, simply heat the oil then fry the dried fish to your desired doneness, when done remove from oil then put in a paper towel to remove excess oil.
Serve and enjoy.

Bean Sprouts Salad

Bean Sprouts are one of the common cooking ingredients that we can find at the market, this is very nutritious, in fact it is more nutritious than the original bean where it came from according to what I've read.  Low in calories ( 31 calories for 104 grams) but a good source of folate,  folate helps your body produce DNA, amino acids and red blood cells,  that are important in preventing anemia and birth defects. Make it a habit to include bean sprouts in your diet because it also a good source of protein and dietary fiber. 
Here is a simple salad recipe to enjoy. This salad goes well with any meat and fish dishes.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
2 cups bean sprouts ( wash well)
1 tablespoons lemon or calamansi juice
1 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoons soy sauce ( if balsamic coy sauce is available it is better)
2 tomatoes ( slice to your desired size)
some lettuce
salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine the tomato and bean sprouts, set aside, in a serving dish, arrange the lettuce properly then put the combined tomatoes and sprouts.
2. Sprinkle with lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, salt and pepper then serve and enjoy. :-)