Showing posts with label Duck/Turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duck/Turkey. Show all posts

Adobong Itik

Duck meat is one of the yummiest meats that can be cooked into adobo. Meaty and succulent, I added  Sprite to really enhance the flavor and help in tenderizing the meat.

1 whole duck ( cleaned and sliced to your desired size)
3 cloves garlic
1 onion
1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 cups sprite
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
salt if needed

1.Saute the garlic and onion then add the duck and continue to saute until the pinkish color is gone.
2. Add the vinegar, soy sauce and ground pepper then simmer until the soy sauce color is evenly distributed in the meat, then add the Sprite and bring to a boil then simmer until the meat is tender.
3. Add salt if needed, when the meat is tender turn off the heat.
4. Serve it hot with rice.

Roasted Turkey

This delicious and succulent turkey was roasted for 6 hours. I cooked this with love to ensure that the inner part will not be raw, that's why I applied the slow roasting, and the result is amazing! A tender and juicy roasted turkey, beyond compare.

1 whole turkey ( this one is almost 6 kilos)
1/2 cup oregano flakes
1/2 cup lemon or calamansi juice
1 litre Sprite
salt and pepper to taste

1.Marinate the turkey overnight with Sprite, salt and pepper.
2.Remove from marinade then sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper, massage well then spread evenly the oregano flakes.

3. Roast in a preheated oven at 100C for 4 hours, then after 4 hours increase the temperature to 150C then roast for an hour and a half, then after this increase the temperature to 200 and roast for 20 minutes then turn off the heat.
4. The result is a well cooked,  tender and juicy turkey that is now ready to be served. Enjoy!

If you have a special way of cooking turkey do not hesitate to share it with me.

Orange Glazed Duck

My bestfriend from London shared this recipe. Mouth watering!

1 whole duck
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon chopped ginger
chili flakes according to your taste

1.Preheat oven to 200C then put the duck in, without basting it for 20 minutes.
2. In a saucepan mix the orange juice, honey, ginger and chili flakes then simmer for few minutes. Remove form heat and this is now ready to be used for basting.
3. After 20 minutes decrease the oven temperature to 180C then remove the duck and brush it with the basting sauce,  continue this process of basting the duck every 15 minutes for an hour and 10 minutes.
4. When cooking is done, serve it with rice.

Contributed by Vince  O'Malley