Showing posts with label Eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eggs. Show all posts

Giniling with Egg

Giniling or ground meat is one of my favorite ingredients in cooking and this recipe is perfect for hot steamed rice or leftover rice. There is no available carrots when I cooked this, but you can add to the recipe if you want.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
1/2 kilo Ground meat ( either Pork, beef or chicken)
3 cloves garlic
1 onion ( minced)
1 cup green peas
2 big potatoes (diced)
1 red bell pepper (diced)
1 cup tomato sauce
salt and pepper to taste
6 hard boiled eggs (de-shelled)


1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the ground meat 

and simmer until the pinkish color is gone.

2. Add the tomato sauce, bell pepper, soy sauce, salt and

 pepper then give a good stir and simmer until the ground 

meat is almost cook then add the potatoes and simmer for 6

 minutes or until done.

3. Add the green peas and eggs then simmer for a minute 

and turn off the heat.

4. Serve with a smile :-).

Scotch Egg Filipino Style

 Scotch egg, originated in London in 1738. It's my friend from London who told me about this recipe. After we talked about the Scotch egg, I was so eager to make it, because I can imagine how easy it is. I tried some and it was a success! Here is how to do it. I made mine into Filipino version by adding calamansi juice

3  hard boiled eggs (remove the shell)
300 grams ground beef
2 tablespoons flour
1 beaten egg
1 cup bread crumbs 
2 calamansi
salt and pepper to taste

1.Combine the ground beef, flour, calamansi juice salt and pepper. Mix it well.
2.Divide the meat mixture into three parts . Wrap each egg.
3.Make sure that the coating is even all around the egg.
4.Roll it in beaten egg then on bread crumbs.
5. Deep Fry it until golden brown.
6. Cut it into halves  and serve it with your favorite side dish. 

This is great for family gatherings because it is easy to prepare and so affordable. 
You can replace ground beef with ground pork if you want.

How To Make Kwek Kwek

Kwek kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines. It is made with quail's eggs, coated with a batter and fried then serve with a sauce. Today I was able to interview a kwek-kwek vendor and I witnessed how he made it. He even allowed me to post this. I hope it can help you, specially if you want to start a good business. Soon I will ask him for the sauce recipe.

 quail's eggs
orange food coloring 
oil for frying

For Batter:
Mix the flour , water and food coloring until you reached the thick consistency of a good batter for kwek-kwek.

1. Dust the eggs with flour because if you put it directly to the batter, it will not stick to the egg.

2. After dusting it with flour put in the batter mixture, coating it one by one.

3. Heat the oil then deep fry until  it is cooked.

4. Serve it with your favorite sauce.

Ham and Chicken Omelette

Delicious omelette serve with pickled papaya :) Kain na po! ( Let's eat!)

Ingredients for 5 servings:
2 slices sweet ham
1/2 cup cooked shredded chicken breast
4 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
oil or butter as needed

1. Beat the eggs then add salt and pepper to taste.
2. Heat the oil then pour the beaten eggs, add the ham and chicken evenly and fold each sides toward the center and continue cooking until done.
3. Serve and enjoy.

Quail Egg Salad

This is a simple salad that I designed for a friend who visited me, I made a bed of vegetables to look like a nest for my quail egg salad. I served this with rice and grilled chicken. Excellent! My friend said.

6 pieces quail eggs ( hardboiled and de-shelled) 
1/2 cup olives seedless
1/2 cup cubed white cheese ( any white cheese ) 
1 teaspoon lemon or calamansi juice
pinch of oregano flakes 
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon olive oil ( Extra virgin olive oil is the best)

Quail eggs

1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl until fully mixed.
2. Serve and enjoy.

Special Ground Beef Omelette

Simple, affordable and delicious. :) I know that everybody can cook this but I just want to share. Happy weekend everyone.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
6 large eggs
150 grams ground beef
1 carrots (minced)
1 potato (minced)
1/2 cup green peas
1 onion (minced)
salt and pepper to taste

1.  Saute the onion, add the ground beef, carrots and potato then continue to saute and simmer for 5 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste then the green peas and simmer fo r a minute and turn off the heat. Set aside.
2. Beat the eggs then add salt and pepper. Heat a flat bottom pan and put half of the beaten eggs, when it is already half cooked put half of the sauted meat mixture then fold the side and roll towards the other side to form a roll or simply fold both sides to meet at the center then continue cooking until done. ( Cook in 2 batches)
3. Slice then serve.