How to Cook Sunny Side up Egg

I needed to cook 30 pieces of sunny side up eggs for breakfast, hmmmmm  I hope I will cook it right, after cooking I've said to myself " this i not perfect" but then I said to myself again " It's okay, sometimes the sun is not always bright, it's covered with clouds" then I smiled and confident, I needed that smile to face my guests who will be arriving by a bus very soon.

To cook the egg, it is better to use a non-stick frying pan, if it's not available then ordinary frying pan is just fine.
Make sure that the oil or butter is hot before putting the egg.
Once the oil is hot sprinkle some salt in the oil ( just enough to give flavor to the egg) crack the egg into the pan.
Cook the egg over low heat, then remove the egg when it is already cooked the way you like it.

Serve it with a sunny smile :)

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