Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

How to Cook Shrimp Tempura Perfectly

I posted already the recipe of shrimp tempura, but in this post I will reveal a secret on how to cook it perfectly, yes, just like a pro :-).

Ingredients for 3 servings:
15 pieces medium size shrimps ( de-shelled and cleaned)
1 tablespoons lemon or calamansi juice
1/2 cup flour
2 beaten eggs
1 cup breadcrumbs ( Panko)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Butterfly the shrimps by cutting at the back side, then 

sprinkle with calamansi or lemon juice, salt and pepper to 

taste, mix well. Roll over the flour.

2. Dip in a beaten egg.
3. Roll over the Panko, this kind of crumbs will give the shrimp tempura a perfect result.
4. Deep fry until done then remove from the oil and let rest on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Serve and enjoy.

Panko is a flaky bread crumb used in Japanese cuisine as a crunchy coating for fried foods. 

How To Cook Chicken Teriyaki

Wanna share this simple and easy way of making chicken teriyaki, since I had my teriyaki sauce (the one I posted yesterday). You will be surprised that it is very easy to make.

You can click the link for the teriyaki sauce recipe
How To Make Teriyaki Sauce

Ingredients for 3 servings:
3 deboned chicken thigh
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
chopped spring onion
oil- just enough for pan frying
salt and pepper to taste

1. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper then heat the oil and pan fry the chicken until fully cooked.

2. Slice to  your desired size, then arrange in a serving platter.
3. Pour the teriyaki sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds and spring onion, serve with love and enjoy. :-)

How To Make Teriyaki Sauce

This teriyaki sauce is very easy to make and I am sure that you will be happy with the result if you will try this :).

Ingredients for 3-4 kilos meat:
1  cup soy sauce
1 cup water
1 cup rice wine (saque)
1/2 cup sugar or honey
2 tablespoons ginger juice ( grate a ginger to extract the juice)
1 teaspoon cornstarch dissolved in 2 tablespoons water

Grate the ginger to extract the juice

1. Caramelize the sugar then add  the soy sauce, water, rice wine and ginger juice, bring to simmer over medium heat. Let simmer for few minutes to infuse the flavor  then add the dissolved cornstarch and simmer until a little thicken then turn off the heat.
Caramelizing the sugar
2. Once done allow to cool and keep in a jar to use it anytime. You can use this for chicken, pork, fish and beef, try it now.
Ready to use

Chicken Teriyaki

pork Teriyaki

How to Prepare a Simple Appetizer

Surprise your loved ones with this simple appetizer that perfectly goes well with any dishes. It will surely boost your appetite.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
1 head broccoli big ( cleaned)
2 ripe mangoes (sliced)
200 grams strawberries (cleaned and sliced)

1. Boil the broccoli for 2 minutes then drain and set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl combine all the ingredients making sure that it is evenly mix.
3. Serve with your favorite salad dressing or just simply sprinkle with  a little salt, olive oil and lime juice. Enjoy!

How To Make Kutsinta Perfectly

I used medium size molder for this recipe and I was able to made around 30 pieces of delicious Kutsinta.  I used food coloring instead of annatto because it's not available. I made this as simple as it can be so that every body can try making kutsinta in a very easy way. I hope you will try this and let me know.

Ingredients for 2 dozens:
1  1/2 all purpose flour
1/2  cup  sugar
1/2 teaspoon orange food coloring
1 1/2 cups water
1 teaspoon lye water

1. Sift all the dry ingredients then combine everything until fully mixed. Pour into molders about 3/4 full and steam for 15 minutes or until done.

2. Remove from steamer then allow few minutes to cool before removing from the molders then serve with or without grated coconut.

How To Make Halo-halo

 What is Halo-halo?

"Halo-halo (Tagalog: [haˈlo-haˈlo], "mixed together") is a popular Filipino dessert with mixtures of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans, jello and fruits. It is served in a tall glass or bowl". Read more about halo-halo by clicking the link below.

Halo-halo is very easy to prepare and you can make it as simple as you want or as special as you want it to be. You can use different ingredients for this, and this is mine.


Shaved ice
Corn Kernel
Cooked Sago
Sweetened banana ( minatamis  na saging)
Sweetened red beans
Leche flan
ube jam
Ice Cream
Evaporated Milk
White sugar

How to prepare the halo-halo?

In the serving bowl or halo-halo glass arrange all the ingredients by filling it first with shaved ice then the rest of the ingredients according to your desired measurement. I put mine with at least a teaspoon of each ingredients then I put sugar and milk according to my taste. The Ube ice cream blended so well with the rest of the ingredients.
I really enjoyed it with my friends, so refreshing. 

We went out today ( September 7,2014) we ordered this at our favorite halo-halo place.