How to Make Pizza Crust

Do you love making pizza? Make your own pizza crust and enjoy a delicious crunchy crust pizza that better than bought ones. Here is a simple way to make a pizza crust.

1/2 kilo all purpose flour
5 grams instant dry yeast
2 cups lukewarm water ( add if needed) only lukewarm not HOT because it will kill the yeast
2 tablespoon olive oil or any cooking oil
1 teaspoon salt
extra flour for dusting

1. Combine the yeast, salt, oil and flour then mix well, add the water gradually until you form a dough, knead until it is smooth and elastic. Then put in a bowl and cover, let rest in a room temperature for an hour or until doubled in size.

2. In your working place, dust it with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Cut into 4 parts ( or 3 parts if you want bigger pizza crust) then knead and form into a ball and let it rise for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes use a rolling pin and flatten the dough.

3. This is now ready to be used for pizza. You can use it right away or bake for 6 minutes at 180C then wrap in a plastic wrapper and refrigerate for future use.

Here are some Pizza recipes that you can try.

Hawaiian Delight Pizza

Ham and Cheese Pizza

Pepperoni Pizza with Cashew Nuts

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