Showing posts with label Appetizer and Salad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appetizer and Salad. Show all posts

Fiesta Eggplant Salad

A superb eggplant salad for the whole family, loaded with nutritious ingredients. Try it now :-)

1/2 kilo eggplant
1/2 cup raisins
1 small onion (diced)
1 big tomato (diced)
1/2 cup diced red and yellow bell peppers
spring onion to sprinkle
2 tablespoons lemon or calamansi juice
salt and pepper to taste

1. Boil or grill the eggplant until cooked, then diced.
2. Combine all the ingredients, sprinkle with spring onion then serve and enjoy.

Quinoa Salad

A salad that is loaded with vitamins and minerals, I served this to some friends in the neighborhood.Try and enjoy it.

1 cup Quinoa (cooked and set aside to cool)
12 pieces hard boiled quail eggs
2 medium size carrots ( sliced)
1 head broccoli (cleaned and separated)
olive oil

1. Boil the carrots and broccoli until cooked ( Do not over-cooked)
2. Combine all the ingredients until fully mixed and flavor is well blended.
3. Serve and enjoy.
Below is a chart for some of its nutrients.

Salad with Poppy Seeds Dressing

 A healthy salad tossed with poppy seed salad dressing, a perfect start to boost your appetite. Highly recommended, really yummy and low in calories.

2 cups lettuce (Cleaned well)
2 big tomatoes ( diced and seeds removed)
1 avocado (diced)
Poppy seed salad dressing ( according to your taste)

1. Combine the first 3 ingredients then drizzle it with poppy seed dressing and serve.

Ricota Cheese Appetizer

An excellent combination for appetizer, the aroma of the oregano flakes and the creaminess of ricota cheese will really boost your appetite.

1 cup cubed ricota cheese or kesong puti
3/4 cup seedless olives
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon oregano flakes

1. Combine the tomatoes, cheese and olive in a big mixing bowl.
2. Sprinkle with olive oil and oregano flakes.
3. Serve.

White Salad

I made this out of curiosity, my sisters said that it's yummy but it's better if it is colorful :D :D :D I said it's the taste that's matter and how I will call it white salad if it is colorful? They laughed :-). 

1/2 kilo white small sago ( cook the sago then drain)
1 kilo white nata de coco (drained)
10 pieces young coconut ( buko) strips
1 big can condensed milk or according to your taste
2 big cans  Nestle cream (600 grams)
1 big can evaporated milk (add if needed)

1. Combine all the ingredients then mix well.

2. Refrigerate for few hours before serving.

Topped with chocolate Ice cream 

Coconut Salad

My family was surprised when I served them this dish and even more surprised when they have tasted it, speechless because they do not have any idea that a dish like this is really good. Simple and easy to prepare.

1 cup grated matured coconut
1 onion ( sliced thinly)
1/2 cup flaked fried fish
2 tablespoons calamansi or lime juice
salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients until fully mixed then put some chili if you like.
2. Serve with fried or grilled meat or fish.