Showing posts with label Pork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pork. Show all posts


Sisig is a popular dish in the Philippines that originated in Angeles City, Pampanga, making the city as the "Sisig capital of the Philippines". Filipinos across the country love this dish and cook it using their own style or version. I didn't put any innards ( lamang loob) because my friend do not like it.
Learn more about sisig by clicking the link.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1/2 kilo of pork's ear and cheeks ( pork mascara)
3 cloves garlic
1 onion ( diced)
5 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons calamansi or lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper or according to your taste
1/2 teaspoon minced ginger
salt to taste

1. Boil the pork's ear and cheek until tender, then grilled or broiled and chopped.

2. Saute the ginger and garlic then the onion and continue to saute until soften, then add the the chopped pork's ear and cheek, soy sauce, lemon juice, and ground pepper then mix well and simmer for few minutes, add salt if necessary.
3. Continue to Simmer until done, you can chopped some chili pepper and put it before serving or crack an egg at the middle then serve. Enjoy!


Dinakdakan is a popular Ilocano  dish made from pork's ears and face (mascara) that's boiled and grilled then chopped and added with pork's brain and spices for an excellent taste. My Ilocano friends helped me in making this.

1/2 kilo pork mascara ( combination of pork's ear and face)
2 tablespoons pig's brain ( I've got the brain from lechon) if using a raw brain boil it first until cooked.
1 onion ( minced)
2 tablespoons calamansi or lime juice
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons mayonaise ( Optional)
3 pieces wild chili ( labuyo) chopped
salt and pepper to taste

1. Boiled the pork mascara until tender then grilled and slice into small pieces.
2. Combine all the ingredients until fully mixed.
3. Serve and enjoy.

Giniling Guisantes

This ground meat ( giniling) with green peas ( Guisantes) dish is very easy to prepare and also economical, perfect this  weekend, I am sure that your loved ones will enjoy this.

Nutritional Value
Peas are starchy, but high in fiberproteinvitaminsminerals, and lutien. Dry weight is about one-quarter protein and one-quarter sugar. Pea seed peptide fractions have less ability to scavenge free radicals than glutathionen but greater ability to chelate metals and inhibit  linoleic acid oxidation.


1/2 kilo ground pork
2 cups green peas ( guisantes)
1 onion ( diced)
3 cloves garlic ( minced)
1 red medium size bell pepper ( diced)
3/4 cup tomato sauce
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the ground pork and simmer until the pinkish color is gone.
2. Add the tomato sauce, bell pepper, soy sauce, salt and pepper then give a good stir and simmer until the meat is cooked then add the green peas and simmer for a minute and turn off the heat.
3. Serve with a smile :-).

Liemp-Chon ( Liempo Lechon)

Let's try this delicious food  innovation from the ingredients specialist.

2 kilos of fully cleaned skin-on, rectangular pork belly (“liempo”)
 1 piece large garlic bulb, de-skinned, pounded
1 large white or red onion, quartered
3 pieces cut into 2 inches “tanglad” (Filipino lemongrass)
25 grams fine salt
5 grams ground black pepper
10ml. soy sauce
15 ml. Extra virgin olive oil
thick thread for tying
meat thermometer

1.    Score and slit lean, skin & fat parts of the belly.
2.    Pour in all ingredients unto blender and blend/mix until paste.
3.    Rub inside slits and all parts of meat plus the inside
to effect full flavor absorption.
4.    With left over marinade, lay flat belly (lean part side down)
and marinate for 2 hours inside ref. (DO NOT FREEZE)
5.    Tumble and turn every 30 minutes.
6.    Pouring all marinade left over inside the meat, roll and tie as in picture.
7.    Pour tap water 1/2 of pan.
This will serve as moisturizer to heated meat and as dripping medium.
8.    Pre-heat oven to 350 deg.F then, on top of pan (in a wire rack)
sear belly for 30 minutes.
9.    Lower temp to 250 deg.F and cook further for 1 more hour & 30 minutes
(or longer as you wish-adding water to pan as need be)
until internal temp reaches 140 deg. F for medium rare,
150 deg. F for medium,
155 deg. F for medium well
& 160-165 deg. F for well done.
But fate has not been kind in this instance of  my cooking endevour…
the string got burned and loosen off midway.
Thereby...I got crackling skin (like Chicharon), crispy reddish-brown rind
resembling that of a real charcoal-cooked Lechon
AND a very tasty, juicy and ultra tender inside.
10. Serve.
Best with “suka’t bawang” (garlic-vinegar dip)

Click the link for the original post and read why he cooked this.

Contributed by: Mr. Jose Dante S. Morados

How To Make Pork Barbecue

The number of pieces ( if how many sticks) depends on how long or big you want your barbecue, I'm just sharing the result of what  I did, to give an idea to those who are planning to start a small business, this one is a good one to start with. This is just a basic barbecue recipe that I love. It's yummy!

Ingredients for 80-100 sticks:
5 kilos pork belly ( cut to your desired size)
1 litre Sprite
3 cups ketchup
1 cup pineapple juice
1 tablespoon ground pepper
1 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup lemon or calamnsi juice or vinegar
1 head garlic ( minced)
salt to taste

1.Combine all the ingredients and marinate for at least 2 hours, after 2 hours remove from the marinating sauce and put in the bamboo skewers. Do not throw the marinade because we will use is for basting while grilling the barbecue. If marinating sauce is not enough to brush the barbecue just add more or you can make your own sauce.

2. When you start grilling bast the barbecue every now and then until cooked.

3. Serve and enjoy:-).

Note: You can improve the taste of this barbecue, use your own taste buds :-).
If you have a delicious barbecue recipe you can share it with me, thanks and happy cooking.

Sisig Krep

“Sisig” (see’ seeg) is an original Filipino recipe started by folks from the country’s northern part, Pampanga.This one is sisig with a twist from the ingredient specialist who shared this recipe to us.

Recipe type: Starter
Number of serving: 15 servings
Preparation time: 45 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Ready in: 1 h, 15 m
Difficulty: Very Easy

1 kilo skin-on pork mask (if available OR 1 kilo skin-on picnic shoulder)
¼ kilo lightly boiled chicken liver (semi cooked ; Mash to a paste state. Set aside)

Flavor enhancers :
70 ml cane vinegar
5 grams kosher salt
2 grams cracked black pepper 
1 bulb large white onion (finely chopped ; Set aside ½)
1 clove garlic (crushed ; Set aside)
2 pcs red cayenne (or Jalapeno pepper finely chopped)
50 ml soy sauce 
20 ml lemon juice 
15 ml palm oil

Grilling/serving medium :
20-25 pieces pita bread (roll)

1. De-hair and clean well meat. Boil to “bite-friendly” tenderness but not to the point of disintegration.

2.  In fiery red charcoal, while tossing and tumbling boiled meat as needed, grill enough to sear or turn skin dark brown. Slice and cut into 4 pieces per square inch. Set aside.

3. In a suitable frying pan, heat palm oil. Add in crushed garlic, toss until brown, dump the ½ chopped onion-mix and tumble until translucent. Remove or strain cooked solids. Set aside this “flavored oil”.

4. In a bowl, in this sequence and while tossing constantly, mix cut meat, chicken liver paste, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, black and red peppers. Mix well. In the same frying pan with “flavored oil” pour in meat mixture and lightly heat tumbling well to avoid sticking to bottom of pan.

5. Remove pan from heat and lastly, add in lemon juice and the other ½ chopped onion. Tumble. Heat very lightly pita bread until little brown spots appear in still live charcoal or at direct fire from gas stove.

6. Lay flat unto plate and pour in 50 grams “Sisig”. Roll as shown in picture.

7. Cut into 2-3 pieces if desired. Garnish. Serve.

NOTE: Sisig is best paired with steamed rice, roll into log or wedge unto your home  made crepe

Click the link below and learn more about this recipe.

Contributed by: Mr. Jose Dante S. Morados