Showing posts with label Recipes for business/ Big family events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipes for business/ Big family events. Show all posts

How to Make Macaroons For Sale Version

Lately I have received emails asking me ideas of recipes that's easy and affordable to make to earn extra income. I think macaroons is the right dish to start, so I formulated a recipe for 1 kilo of desiccated coconut and here it is.

Ingredients for 160 pieces macaroons:
1 kilo desiccated coconut (no sugar)
8 eggs
3 big cans condensed Milk (380 grams each can)

small muffin paper cups (200 pieces)

1. Combine all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
2. Fill each paper cups with a good amount of the coconut mixture.
3. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 6 minutes or until golden brown at 180C.

4. When done, remove immediately and allow to cool. You can pack in a nice containers for a good price :-) .  This one is ready to be delivered for a friend's birthday, my gift for the occasion :)

Cabbage Roll

I prepared this dish for a special family gathering, simple but a very attractive center table item that will surely capture the eyes of your guests and loved ones. This is also very affordable.

Ingredients for 24 rolls:
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 onion (minced)
600 grams ground beef or pork
4 pieces big potatoes (finely diced)
3 big carrots ( finely diced)
1/2  cup minced bell pepper ( mixed colors if available)
24 cabbage leaves or more
200 ml All purpose cream ( Nestle, Alaska or any brand)
100 ml water
100 ml evaporated or fresh milk
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute garlic and onion then add the ground meat and stir until pinkish color is gone.
2. Add the potatoes, carrots, bell pepper, salt and pepper  then stir well  and continue cooking until done. Set aside.
3. Boil or steam the cabbage for 3 minutes then drain and allow to cool. If cabbage leaves are too big you can cut it into two (halves).
4. Flatten the cabbage leaf then put the filling and wrap well.

5. When done rolling, arrange well in a cooking pan then put the fresh  Milk, water, all purpose cream, salt and pepper then bring to a boil, when boiling adjust the heat to low then simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Serve and enjoy. 

Note: If you want it more saucy just double the portion of water and cream

Baked Macaroni Filipino Style

Baked macaroni is easy to prepare because the ingredients are easy to find, with elbow macaroni as its base ingredient. This is good for your special gatherings because it is affordable and delicious.

Ingredients for 20-25 servings:
1 kilo macaroni elbow ( cook according to its packaging procedure)
3 cloves garlic (minced)
1 onion (minced)
400 grams ground pork or beef
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 kilo tomato sauce
2 cups sweet banana ketchup
4 tablespoons sugar
salt and pepper to taste
250 ml all purpose cream ( Nestle or any brand)
2 cups quick melt cheese or Mozzarella Cheese
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

1. Saute Garlic and onion then add the ground meat and saute until pinkish color of the meat is gone. Add soy sauce, salt and pepper then simmer for a minute.
2. Add the tomato sauce, banana ketchup and sugar then simmer for 10 minutes stirring every now and then over low fire.
3. Add the all purpose cream, cheddar cheese then check if it needs more salt and pepper to taste. simmer for a minute then remove from heat.
4. Add the cooked macaroni  into the meat sauce  then toss until it is mixed well. Then put in a baking dish then lastly put the quick melt or Mozarella cheese.

5.Pre-heat oven to 180C then bake the macaroni for 20 minutes or until done.
6. Remove from the oven, let cool before serving.

Macaroni Salad ( For Sale Version)

An economical version of salad but still yummy. This is from my sister's eatery because she is selling it. I copied to give my readers an idea on how to make macaroni salad by volume but in an economical way to increase earnings without  jeopardizing the taste. To those who wants to sell macaroni salad in their neighborhood, try this and good luck to your business :-).

1 kilo elbow macaroni
1 can fruit cocktail (3.033 KG)
1 kilo Nata de coco ( any color of your choice)
1 can Nestle Cream ( 300G)
1 can Angel Kremdensada (410 ml)
3 cans condensed Milk ( 300ml each can)
150 grams raisins
1 can corn kernel (280 grams) optional
2 cups mayonaise

1. Cook the macaroni according to its packaging procedure then set aside.
2. Drain the fruit cocktail and set aside.
3. Combine all the ingredients and mix well, then refrigerate for few hours.

4. It is now ready to be sold or just enjoy it with your loved ones.

How To Make Pork Barbecue

The number of pieces ( if how many sticks) depends on how long or big you want your barbecue, I'm just sharing the result of what  I did, to give an idea to those who are planning to start a small business, this one is a good one to start with. This is just a basic barbecue recipe that I love. It's yummy!

Ingredients for 80-100 sticks:
5 kilos pork belly ( cut to your desired size)
1 litre Sprite
3 cups ketchup
1 cup pineapple juice
1 tablespoon ground pepper
1 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup lemon or calamnsi juice or vinegar
1 head garlic ( minced)
salt to taste

1.Combine all the ingredients and marinate for at least 2 hours, after 2 hours remove from the marinating sauce and put in the bamboo skewers. Do not throw the marinade because we will use is for basting while grilling the barbecue. If marinating sauce is not enough to brush the barbecue just add more or you can make your own sauce.

2. When you start grilling bast the barbecue every now and then until cooked.

3. Serve and enjoy:-).

Note: You can improve the taste of this barbecue, use your own taste buds :-).
If you have a delicious barbecue recipe you can share it with me, thanks and happy cooking.