Showing posts with label Side Dish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Side Dish. Show all posts



Bruschetta is an antipasto from Italy that I absolutely love. I could eat it every day. I keep a big fresh plant of basil in my window planter year round specifically for this dish. Give me a glass of wine, a little cheese and this dish and I am one happy lady. Thankfully my husband shares my love for Bruschetta too. 

It is really simple to make! Give it a try!

Bruschetta for two
by Christi Silbaugh

3 tomatoes
1/4 cup fresh basil chopped
2 tsp minced garlic
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 loaf sourdough baguette
1 Tbsp. olive oil

Core your tomatoes and then dice them into tiny pieces. Add to a bowl. Add your chopped basil and minced garlic. Add 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar. Stir and salt and pepper to taste. 

Slice a piece of the baguette up into four slices.
Add Olive oil to a skillet and heat over medium heat. 
Add your baguette slices.
Toast over the olive oil until golden brown and crispy.
Top your toast with the tomato basil mixture and serve.

French Onion Soup

Are you just maintaining your relationship? Or are you nourishing it, growing it, making it thrive? Just maintaining will get you nowhere. Unfortunately we are human and too much of the same thing gets boring. Romantic tip: Spice it up! Don't just maintain your relationship today. Do something that will make him or her feel special and loved. 

My husband loves french onion soup. It is one of his favorites. The soup is not hard to make, it is just time consuming. So I don't make it for him as much as I should. The crunchy toast on top, covered in cheese, just makes this soup amazing. It is a perfect comfort food.
This recipe is not just for two. Well it is, but it is enough that you will have plenty leftover in the fridge. It lasts 1 week in the fridge in an airtight container. It is even better the next day, just wait to add the toast and cheese until time of serving.  Enjoy! 

French Onion Soup
adapted from Bon Appétit | October 2013

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
6 large onions (about 5 pounds), thinly sliced
2 large shallots, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
4 sprigs flat-leaf parsley
2 sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf
8 cups beef, chicken or vegetable broth
8 1/4 "-thick slices country bread, toasted
8 ounces sliced Gruyère

Slice up your onions. 

Heat butter in a large heavy pot over medium-high heat. Add onions, shallots, and garlic; 
season with salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened and dark brown, 60–70 minutes. 
Add vermouth and vinegar. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer until slightly reduced, about 3 minutes.

Tie parsley, thyme, and bay leaf with kitchen twine; add to pot along with broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until reduced to about 8 cups, 35–40 minutes; discard herb bundle.
Preheat oven to 450°F. Place ovenproof bowls on a large rimmed baking sheet. Divide soup among bowls and top with toasts (cut to fit if necessary) and cheese.
 Bake until cheese is bubbling and golden brown, 6–8 minutes.

New England Clam Chowder from scratch

There is something powerful about the moonlight. I think Kenny Chesney got it right in the song "When the sun goes down". Everything truly does get hotter. Most of the time, we snuggle in and don't bother going out in the moonlight. Occasionaly, we get out there and it is almost always magical. Especially along the water. Seeing the moon reflect off the water is a peaceful romantic thing. I highly recommend you get out there and experience it with your love. 

Romantic Tip: Take a moonlit walk on the beach, bay, lake, or any other romantic place.

Getting on the water for us, almost always means we will stop at the Brig for our favorite New England Clam Chowder. I have yet to find a better chowder here in San Diego. So I decided to learn how to make it from scratch like them at home. That's right. I mean completely from scratch. No canned clams here. It is actually easy, so don't be intimidated. 

New England Clam Chowder from scratch

2 pounds fresh clams 
1/2 cup fresh water
1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 ounces bacon cut into 1/8 in. slices
1/2 medium onion minced
1 tablespoon flour
1 1/2 cups milk
1/2 lb. potatoes of your choice cut into small cubes
1/2 teaspoon fresh marjoram minced
1 bay leaf
2 Tbsp butter

The day before: As soon as you bring your clams home from the store wash the clams with cold water and then put the clams in a bowl with enough salt water to cover the clams ( it should taste like the sea). 
Put the bowl in your refrigerator. Over the next 24 hours your clams will do their thing and siphon in the clean water expelling most of the grit they hold between their shells. If your clams are really dirty, you may need to change the water periodically.

In a wide pot or sauté pan with a lid, add the clams along with 1/2 cup fresh water. Cover and steam over medium high heat until all the clams have opened. 5 - 10 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and uncover. 

Remove the clam meat from the shells and transfer to a bowl. Discard any unopened clams. Once all the clams have been shelled, slowly pour the clam stock over the clams, leaving the last tablespoon or so of stock along with any grit in the pot. Wash the pot out. 

Agitate the clam mixture to allow any sand to settle to the bottom of the bowl, then let it sit for a minute to allow all the sand to settle to the bottom. Use your fingers or a slotted spoon to scoop the clams off the top of the liquid being careful not to disturb the sand at the bottom. Once you have all the meat separated, give the stock a few minutes to settle, then slowly pour the clam stock into a 2 cup liquid measuring cup, leaving the last bit of stock and any grit behind. You should have 2 cups clam juice, if you have less, add water to make 2 cups. 
Add the olive oil and bacon to the clean pot and fry until most of the fat has rendered from the bacon and it is starting to brown ( but not until its crisp). 
Add the onions and sauté until the are tender and browned. Add the flour and continue frying for 1 minute. 

Turn off the heat, then add the clam stock and milk. Whisk together to dissolve the roux, and then add the potatoes, marjoram and bay leaf. Put the pot over medium heat and bring the pot to a low simmer. Do not let the soup boil. 

When the potatoes are tender, remove the bay leaf and return the clams to the pot. Once the clams have reheated the soup is done.

Apples On Piggyback

When is the last time you stopped and reflected on the things you love about your partner? Putting all negative traits behind,  you should really write down what you absolutely love. An example for me is I love how hard working my husband is. He is not lazy and does his best each day to provide for us. 

I think it is so important to focus on the positive, and having it written down as a reminder is a very uplifting thing for both of you.

Romantic Tip: Make a list of the top 10 things you love about your partner.

Now on to today's recipe. Apples on Piggyback are a great combination of sweet, tart and savory. They are simple, delicious hors d’oeuvres that you can make in no time to impress your love. Or take them to a party, but make sure to double the recipe, because these go fast!

Apples On Piggyback

4 thin slices of bacon, cut in half.
1 Green Apple—peeled and cut into 8 wedges
2 ounces Manchego cheese, sliced 1/4 inch thick and cut into 2-by-1/2-inch sticks
8 toothpicks, for skewers

Preheat a grill pan.
 I cooked mine in the oven on a grill pan, so I preheated the oven to high broil. You can make them in the oven, or on the grill.  
Arrange the bacon slices on a work surface and place an apple wedge and a cheese stick in the center of each slice. 
Wrap the bacon around the filling and secure with a toothpick.

Cook skewers until the bacon is golden and crispy and the cheese is melted, 5 to 6 minutes.
 Serve hot.

Tomato Basil-Tarts

I have been having a lot of fun working with the Lazy Baker's Puff Pastry  I made. I have put this pastry through the ringer with freezing, thawing, rolling, and it stands up to the best! 
So I wanted to make a cute little side dish/appetizer to go along with our soup I made for dinner. So I went back to the book that gave me the wonderful puff pastry Baking by Hand

Tomato Basil-Tarts
adapted from Baking by Hand
Makes 4 appetizer tarts
1 Organic Tomato
Extra-virgin olive oil
fine sea salt
18 fresh basil leaves

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. 
Roll out the dough to about 1/8 inch thick. Cut into circles. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
Slice the tomato 1/4 inch thick. 
Take out your pastry circles. Lightly brush the surface of the dough with olive oil, and place the tomato slices evenly spaced around the circle of dough. Sprinkle with sea salt. 
Bake on a baking stone for 15 minutes, or until the tarts are golden brown. 
Remove from the oven and garnish with basil leaves and serve warm.