Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts

Chicken Caldereta

Caldereta is a Spanish word for stew while the Filipinos term for stew is nilaga or sinigang. As what I have said there is no right or wrong in cooking because there are so many ways to cook a recipe, I think nilaga or sinigang is the original Filipino way of stewing, plain and simple, because stewing in Spain and other countries include a tomato sauce, that makes the Filipino caldereta delicious because this dish is a combination of Spanish and Filipino stewing. Caldereta was adapted from Spanish during the time when they colonized the Philippines. 
In our family gatherings, caldereta is always a special treat, I can not say that my caldereta is perfect but I think it is good enough to share with you. :-) This is just a simple one, I will share the special , soon, God willing :)


1 kilo chicken
3 med. size potatoes ( sliced to your desired size)
2 med. size carrots ( sliced to your desired size)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 pack tomato sauce ( 200 or 250 grams)
1 small can liver spread mix with 1/2 glass evaporated milk ( this will thicken the sauce)
1 small size onion ( diced)
5 cloves garlic ( minced)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute garlic and onion
2. Add the chicken, simmer for few minutes, then mix it well.
3. Add the soy sauce and tomato sauce, simmer for another few minutes.
4. Add the potatoes and carrots then simmer for few minutes. ( add water if necessary)
5. If all of the ingredients are almost cooked, add the liver spread and milk mixture, salt and pepper to taste, then simmer until done.
6. Serve it with rice and enjoy your meal.

You can add green peas and bell pepper

How To Cook Chicken Teriyaki

Wanna share this simple and easy way of making chicken teriyaki, since I had my teriyaki sauce (the one I posted yesterday). You will be surprised that it is very easy to make.

You can click the link for the teriyaki sauce recipe
How To Make Teriyaki Sauce

Ingredients for 3 servings:
3 deboned chicken thigh
1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
chopped spring onion
oil- just enough for pan frying
salt and pepper to taste

1. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper then heat the oil and pan fry the chicken until fully cooked.

2. Slice to  your desired size, then arrange in a serving platter.
3. Pour the teriyaki sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds and spring onion, serve with love and enjoy. :-)

Fried Chicken

I think everybody loves fried chicken (that's my opinion). I belong to a big family and fried
 chicken is one of the favorites, buying it from KFC, McDonalds or Jollibee, will be too expensive if we will order 50 pieces for  family gatherings. The cheapest way is to buy chicken meat and cook it.  Here is my family's traditional way of cooking it. 

1 kilo chicken
1 lemon or 5 calamansi
2 tablespoons Nestle Cream
1 egg ( beaten)
1 cup flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
salt and pepper to taste

1. Mix the chicken,  lemon, salt and pepper. Marinate for 15 minutes.
2. Put the all purpose cream, mix well
3. Add the beaten egg, mix well
4. Roll over the breading.
5. Deep fry it until golden brown.
6. Serve it hot.
For Breading:
Mix the flour and cornstarch.

Espetinho de Coração de Frango

This is one of my favorite Brazilian food. Cooked simply in a hot coal, aromatic and yummy. I cooked this for a friend's farewell party. One of the best that I've tasted is at Canasveieras, Santa Catarina, Brazil owned by Mr. Joao. 

1 kg de coração de frango  (limpo)
Sal grosso a gosto

Modo de preparo:
1. Em uma bacia, colocar os corações de frango, adicionar o sal grosso e mexer bem.

2. Espetar os corações em espeto de bambu.

3. Assá-los com fogo baixo ate fica bem.

4. Servir com amor :-).

For the English translation of the recipe here it is.

1 kilo chicken heart ( cleaned)
coarse salt to taste

1. In a bowl, combine the chicken heart and salt until fully mixed.
2. Put the hearts in the bamboo skewers.
3. Grill it over hot coal until fully cooked.
4. Serve with a smile :-).

Chicken A La Barbecue

Just experimenting this but it turned out delicious so I am sharing this to all of you, happy cooking.

1 whole chicken ( chop into serving pieces)
1 head garlic ( toasted and set aside)
1 onion (minced)
1/4 cup calamansi or lime juice
1 cup ketchup
1/2 cup tomato sauce
 2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 cup Sprite
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Marinate the chicken with lime juice, salt and pepper for an hour then fry until half cooked, set aside.
2. Saute the onion then add the soy sauce, tomato sauce, ketchup and Sprite then allow to simmer, once it is simmering add the chicken, cover the pan and simmer it for 5 minutes over low fire. After 5 minutes stir well, add salt and pepper according to your taste, then simmer until the chicken is fully cooked.
3.When done topped it with toasted garlic and serve, make sure to have an extra rice and reserve your big smile after the last bite :-).

Chicken Aloha

Will you try this recipe? It is very easy to cook but really yummy. 

Ingredients for 6 servings:
 Chicken ( I used 3 drumsticks  and 3 thighs)
1/2 cup soy sauce
6 cloves garlic ( minced)
1 1/2 cup pineapple juice from Pineapple slices can
1 can Pineapple slices
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic then add the chicken simmer  until chicken is light toasted, then add the soy sauce and cover over low heat allowing the meat to absorb the soy sauce then add the pineapple juice
  then bring to a boil, when boiling decrease the heat to low then continue to simmer for 5 minutes. 
2. Add the pineapple slice, salt and pepper  then continue to simmer until done
3. Serve it hot.