Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

How To Make Homemade Tocino

Try this recipe and let me know.

1 kilo either pork, beef or chicken ( just choose the part that you like to use)
2 cups sprite
1/2 cup ketchup ( to add color)
3 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup pineapple juice
3 tablespoons calamansi or lemon Juice
3 cloves garlic (minced)
1 tablespoon Lea and Perrins
3 teaspoon soy sauce
 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
salt to taste

1. Slice the pork and marinate with all the ingredients, overnight or at least 4 hours.

2. In a pan or wok put the meat and the marinating sauce then cook over medium heat, continue to simmer until the sauce dries out.
3. When the sauce dries out put an oil that is enough to fry the meat.

 4. After frying serve it with rice, or a combination of fried rice and fried egg for a delicious TOSILOG :-)

How to Cook Hotdog Perfectly

 I am not encouraging anybody to eat hotdog, ( we rarely have this, just when the kids ask, we allow them very frequently) I just wanna show how to cook it to reply to an email asking me how to cook it, because she said, everytime she fried hotdog it shrinks and hardened when its not hot anymore.Here are simple steps of cooking your hotdogs perfectly.

1. Put slits on hotdogs then add 1/4 cup water for 1/2 kilo hotdog then bring to a boil.

2. When boiling stir every now and then and simmer until water is almost dry then put 1 or 2 tablespoons oil.

3. Continue cooking until done.

4. Serve hot and enjoy.

How To make a Perfect Suman

Suman is a  delicious Filipino Dainty that is very popular in the Philippines, there are different types of suman and the ingredients varies from each type. When I met Ate Pabling and tasted her "Suman" I said "wow this is so yummy" that's why I let her teach me how to cook a perfet suman because I want to share it to everybody and here is her secret and the suman she made.

4 cups glutinous rice
4 cups coconut milk
1/4 kilo white sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
thumb size ginger ( grated) optional
wilted banana leaves
water ( enough to cook the suman)

1. Soak the glutinous rice in a water for at least 20 minutes or until bloated then drained.
2. In a pot put the coconut milk, sugar, ginger and salt then bring to a boil, when boiling,  add the soaked glutinous rice, give a good stir, cover and cook it like a normal rice (sinaing) but do not cook thoroughly, when it is almost done (medyo bigas pa pero malapit ng maluto) turn off the heat.
3. Get the wilted banana leaves, spoon a portion of the rice then wrap in the banana leaves, do this until all the rice will be wrapped.
4. Put in the pot, add the water and boil the suman until fully cooked. ( around 45 minutes or more).

How to cook Chicharong Bulaklak

Chicharong bulaklak is made from a part of pork's intestine that looked like a flower that's why it is called bulaklak a Filipino term for flower. It's just a small portion of the intestines that is why chicharong bulaklak is  valued high at the market. This dish goes well to dip in vinegar with lots of garlic and hot chili.

1/2 kilo pork's chitterlings or intestines (bitukang bulaklak)
2 cups water
1 cup oil
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. In a pot put all the ingredients except the oil and allow to boil until the water evaporates.
2. Pour in the oil and fry the intestines until golden brown.
3. Slice and serve with your favorite dipping sauce.

How to Make Cheesy Ensaimada

Delicious cheesy ensaimada for the whole family.

3 cups bread flour
2 teaspoons yeast
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/4 teaspoon salt
200 ml of warm milk
1 cup grated cheese

1. Dissolve the yeast in the warm milk for 10 minutes or until bubbly.
2. Mix all the dry ingredients, make a well in the middle, then crack the eggs and beat it there.Pour in the butter and milk with yeast, mix well and fold the mixture, then knead  until you form a dough. Roll it nicely into a ball. Be sure to knead it very well.

3. Let it rise for 2 hours by covering it with a damp cloth.After 2 hours knead the dough for a while then slice it, make sure each slice should be around 80 grams to make one serving of bread.

after letting it rise, the size doubled
4. Knead each portion and roll it into a long dough o that we can make  knot easily.
5. Twist it and form it into ensaimada bun, and let it rise for 45 minutes.
the bun after 45 minutes of rising
 8. After 45 minutes ( it should be double in size too, if not doubled or at least almost doubled let it rise more) bake it in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at 180C.
9. When it is done brush it with butter or margarine then sprinkle with a little sugar, and top with grated cheese. Delicious cheesy ensaimada.