Showing posts with label Exotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exotic. Show all posts

Pritong Camaro ( Fried Cricket)

It's my first time to cook and taste this exotic Filipino food that is popular in Pampanga, Philippines. All I can say is yummy!!!. Are you brave enough to try?

1 cup camaro 
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon calamansi juice

1. Clean the Camaro, sprinkle with calamansi juice, salt and pepper.
2. Heat the oil then deep fry until crispy, remove from oil and serve.

Thanks Bro. Eli for giving this to me for my blog.

Kambing Sari-sari

I went to a nearby meat shop and found a good ingredient for a delicious dish which we called "sari-sari"  the typical sari-sari is made from the innards of pig,when I saw the goat's innards I bought a kilo because I wanna try cooking sari-sari using the goat's innards, here is the recipe my family loved it.

1/2 kilo Goat's Innards (lamang loob ng kambing)
4 cloves garlic
1 onion
thumb size ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
2 tablesoons vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
5 pieces chili ( siling haba)
5 stalks spring onion (sliced)
salt to taste

1. Boil all the goat's innards, make sure that the tenderness is right then slice into small pieces.
2. Saute the garlic and onion then add the rest of the ingredients, simmering and stirring occasionally until done.
3. Serve hot and garnish with spring onion.

Frog Steak

Frog meat really tastes like chicken, have you tasted it before? I cooked this when I visited my brother. After a heavy rain he went frog hunting with his friends and when they returned they brought around 2 kilos of live frogs. They cleaned it and I cooked it for them and here it is.


1 kilo cleaned Frog
8 cloves Garlic
2 big Onion ( sliced into rings)
1/4 cup calamansi or lime juice
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
salt to taste


1. Saute the garlic and onion and add the frog meat and ground pepper  cover for 3 minutes over medium heat, then stir to mix well.
2. Add the  calamansi juice and soy sauce then stir well then continue to simmer until done while stirring every now and then.
3. Serve with a smile.

Fried Frog

Rainy days are here again, edible frogs are everywhere :-). My brother (Edward) caught frogs last night and he gave me some. I fried it, yummy! Lami!

1/2 kilo cleaned frog
4 calamansi or 1 big lime
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
salt to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients and marinate for an hour.
2. Deep fry until golden brown.
3. Serve with a smile :-)

Sinabawang Ulo ng Tuna

I was tempted to cook this because while I am at the market this morning, the vendor of this is a very good one and was able to convinced me to buy this. I'm glad that I bought it, the soup is yummy, I am the one who ate the eye, that's extra yummy for me. Have you eaten tuna's eye before?

1 kilo sliced Tuna head
3 cups water ( add if needed)
2 tablespoons fish sauce (optional)
1 onion
1 teaspoon ginger strips
1/4 kilo Chinese cabbage or any green leafy vegetables for soup
some chili fingers
salt to taste

Sliced Tuna Head

1. Saute the ginger and onion then put the tuna head and fish sauce then simmer for 2 minutes then add the water and bring to a boil, when boiling reduce the heat and simmer until the fish is fully cooked.
2. Increase the heat to high then add the Chinese cabbage, chili and salt to taste then simmer for a minute, turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot and enjoy.


Today we cooked lechon ( whole roasted pig) and I asked the butcher to give me the innards that I can use for "bopis".  One of the ingredients for bopis is lungs but since most of my siblings will not eat it, I decided not to include it. Here is my simple way of cooking bopis.

1 piece pork's heart ( boiled and chopped)
1/2 kilo pork's intestine ( fully cleaned, boiled and chopped)
1/4 kilo pork's liver ( chopped)
1 big tomato (diced)
1 small carrot ( minced)
1/2 cup minced radish
3 cloves garlic (minced)
thumb size ginger (minced)
1 onion (minced)
3 tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 laurel/bay leaves
chopped chili according to your taste
salt and pepper to taste

1. Sauté garlic, ginger, tomato and onion then add the pork's heart, liver and intestines, increase the heat, then give it a good stir.
2. Add all the ingredients then simmer until fully cooked stirring every now and then.
3. Serve hot and do not forget to smile :-)