Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

How to Save Your Leftover Pancit

Sometimes leftover pancit is a lot to be eaten again for the next meal and sometimes your loved ones are not excited anymore to eat the leftover pancit, so to save it from going to the bin, make it into another special dish, something crispy by wrapping it into spring roll wrapper ( lumpiang pancit). It is yummy and your loved ones will definitely love it.

Leftover pancit

It is very simple to do it, in a lumpia wrapper put some pancit then wrapped  and sealed the wrapper with a water or beaten egg.
Deep fry until golden brown and serve it hot with your favorite dipping sauce. Enjoy.

You have now a delicious new dish that's good for a meal or a snack.

Don't waste food!! It's a part of God's blessings. Learn to recycle the leftover.

How to Cook Tapioca in 10 Minutes

I've already shown how to cook tapioca perfectly , but due to lots of questions I received about cooking tapioca, I tried some experiment on how to cook it in a shorter period of time to avoid consuming too much gas or electricity I was amazed by the result that it worked this way.


1/2 kilo tapioca
 5 litres water

1. Put the water in a big pot then bring to a boil, when it is boiling increase to high then drop the tapioca while stirring the water to avoid it from sticking to each other. Let simmer for 10 minutes while stirring occasionally.
2. After  10 minutes turn off the heat, and just leave it covered for 2 hours, without opening it so that the heat will continue cooking the tapioca.
3 After 2 hours and it's already transparent, drain it and wash with water and use your hand to separate the lumps. Drain and this is now ready to be used for different recipes.

How to Make Pizza Crust

Do you love making pizza? Make your own pizza crust and enjoy a delicious crunchy crust pizza that better than bought ones. Here is a simple way to make a pizza crust.

1/2 kilo all purpose flour
5 grams instant dry yeast
2 cups lukewarm water ( add if needed) only lukewarm not HOT because it will kill the yeast
2 tablespoon olive oil or any cooking oil
1 teaspoon salt
extra flour for dusting

1. Combine the yeast, salt, oil and flour then mix well, add the water gradually until you form a dough, knead until it is smooth and elastic. Then put in a bowl and cover, let rest in a room temperature for an hour or until doubled in size.

2. In your working place, dust it with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Cut into 4 parts ( or 3 parts if you want bigger pizza crust) then knead and form into a ball and let it rise for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes use a rolling pin and flatten the dough.

3. This is now ready to be used for pizza. You can use it right away or bake for 6 minutes at 180C then wrap in a plastic wrapper and refrigerate for future use.

Here are some Pizza recipes that you can try.

Hawaiian Delight Pizza

Ham and Cheese Pizza

Pepperoni Pizza with Cashew Nuts

How to make Siomai Wrapper

This is very simple and easy to make so do not be afraid to try. This recipe will yield more than 20 regular size of wrapper.

2 cups flour
1 egg
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup water

1. Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl and make a well at the center.
2. Put the egg and water in the well and  mix together until the mixture will be a firm dough by kneading it well. Smooth and firm not sticky.

3. Let rest for 45 minutes to allow the gluten to relax making the dough easier to roll out.
4. Sprinkle corn starch or flour on the space where you will knead the dough, after 45 minutes divide the dough into halves, then use a rolling pin and knead the dough then flatten it as thin as you can to make the siomai wrapper. While still working on the first half cover the other half to avoid it from drying.

5. Trim the sides to make a big square or rectangle then cut it into siomai wrappers.

6. Then file the wrappers with cellophane in between to avoid it from sticking. This is now ready to be used for, molo soup, wanton soup, siomai, etc.

 Click the link for the recipe of Molo Soup

 Click the link for the recipe of Wanton soup

Click the link for the Siomai Recipe

How to make Homemade Gravy

If fast food chains are making gravy from the fried chicken residue and oil ( this is the reason why I do not like gravy at restaurants). We can also make gravy every time we roast a chicken in the oven by using all the juice that dripped from the chicken, and here is how to do it.

Chicken drippings( from roasted chicken) all of the residue/juices in the pan
2 cups water
1 tablespoon flour dissolved in a little water ( just enough to make it thick)
1/2 peice onion
salt and pepper to taste

1. Get the pan where you gathered the chicken juice during the roasting then scrape it and put in a pot.
2. Add onion and  water and boil it over medium heat, when it is boiling let simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Add the flour, salt and pepper, stir well to avoid developing lumps. Stir until thickens.
4.  Once thick turn off the heat, then drain the gravy to make sure that it's really smooth and you can use it as the dipping sauce of the roasted chicken.

How to Roast Tenderloin in the Oven

One of the best cuts in beef is the tenderloin. I just wanna try how to roast this whole tenderloin in an oven and I liked the result, it is juicy and tender. This is best to prepare if you have big family event.

1 kilo beef tenderloin
2 limes
1/4 cup soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoons oregano powder

1. Prick the tenderloin with fork, then squeeze the lime allover the meat and sprinkle the oregano powder.
2. Add the soy sauce,  salt and pepper then marinate the meat overnight.

3. Preheat the oven  then set it to 180C , and roast the beef for 60 minutes
4. When it is done, slice it and serve hot with your favorite sauce. Enjoy your food :-)

Note: cooking time depends upon the thickness of the meat.I cooked this well done, it's up to you if you want it rare, medium rare, etc.