How to Cook Hotdog Perfectly

 I am not encouraging anybody to eat hotdog, ( we rarely have this, just when the kids ask, we allow them very frequently) I just wanna show how to cook it to reply to an email asking me how to cook it, because she said, everytime she fried hotdog it shrinks and hardened when its not hot anymore.Here are simple steps of cooking your hotdogs perfectly.

1. Put slits on hotdogs then add 1/4 cup water for 1/2 kilo hotdog then bring to a boil.

2. When boiling stir every now and then and simmer until water is almost dry then put 1 or 2 tablespoons oil.

3. Continue cooking until done.

4. Serve hot and enjoy.

Deep Fried Catfish

Catfish can be cooked in so many ways but I like it crispy and hot, just like this. 


2 catfish (hito) cleaned
2 stalks lemon grass (tanglad)
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper to taste


1. Sprinkle the catfish with salt and pepper then insert each fish with lemon grass, roll over the flour and deep fry until golden brown.
2. Serve it hot.

Native Chicken Tinola

Tinolang Manok( Filipino stewed chicken) is one of the popular dishes in Philippines. Green papaya, lemon grass and horse radish are added to the dish to make the flavor perfect.

1 whole Native chicken ( slice to your desired size)
thumb size ginger( strips)
3 cloves garlic
1 small onion
1 small unripe papaya
2 cups horse radish ( malunggay)
1 stalk lemon grass (tanglad)
6 cups rice washing ( add if needed)
1/4 cup fish sauce (patis) optional
Salt and pepper to taste
Native Chicken

1. Saute the garlic, ginger and onion then add the chicken and braised for few minutes.
2. Add the fish sauce(patis), if there is no fish sauce just put salt and pepper, simmer for 5 minutes to allow the flavors to blend well.
3. Add the rice washing and bring to a boil until the chicken meat is tender. Add the lemon grass and papaya then simmer until almost done.
4. Add the horse radish then simmer for 30 seconds and turn off the heat, then serve hot

Chili leaves can be added too

Tortang Malunggay

July is a nutrition month in the Philippines and I want to contribute a healthy and affordable recipe to all the parents who keep on soliciting ideas for nutritious dish that they can prepare for their kids, since horse radish (malunggay) is always available or common in our own backyards, I came up with this idea, I hope that you will try this recipe and let me know.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

3 large eggs (lightly beaten)
1 small onion (sliced thinly)
1/2 cup horse radish (malunggay)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients until fully combined.
2. Heat an oil then pour the egg mixture and cook until done.
3. Serve with a smile :-) .

Health Benefits of Onion

Onions are very common kitchen staples. But there’s a lot more than meets the eye. Like their pungent taste and smell, onions have extraordinarily powerful health benefits. Here are some of the many:

1. They have phytochemicals that enhance the effectiveness of Vitamin C in the body. That means better body resistance to sickness.

2. They have chromium that helps blood sugar regulation.

3.  Like garlic, onions have antimicrobial element called allicin. They can be used as first aid remedies for cuts or wounds. Crush a half of onion (you can add raw honey for better results) and apply on the wound. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off.

4. Did you know that onions stimulate the production of good cholesterol (HDL)? It keeps your heart fit and well.

5. Got stung by a defensive honeybee? Apply onion juice on the inflicted area to feel relieved from pain and burning sensation.

6. See those bright green tops sprouting from onion bulbs? They are rich in vitamin A! Use them often in your cooking.

7. Flavonoid quercetin, an antioxidant found in onions, helps to get rid of free radicals. It also protects and aids our body to regenerate vitamin E.

I know you got teary-eyed with these heart-touching health benefits. Wipe your tears and start chopping onions now. Surely you will never look at them in the same way again. :)

Onions are toxic to your dog!

Thanks to the best gardener, Mr. Arcon Agbuya for contributing this wonderful article.

Ginataang Bagongon

Are you good at eating these shells called bagongon or telescope shell in English? I am a good eater of telescope shell because we always have it since I was young, I love sucking it when the meat of the shell and the flavor of the coconut milk touched your tongue and pallate together, "Lami" (yummy).

1/2 kilo bagongon
thumb size ginger
1 small onion
1 cup thin coconut milk ( ikalawang piga)
1/2 cup pure coconut milk ( kakang gata)
1 bunch swamp cabbage ( kangkong) or talbos ng camote
salt to taste

1. Cut the tip of the shell then wash well.
2. In a pot put the thin coconut milk, ginger, chili and onion then stir and bring to a boil, when boiling add the telescope shell (bagongon) then simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Add the swamp cabbage ( kangkong) and simmer until half cooked then add the pure coconut milk and salt to taste then simmer until done.
4. Serve and enjoy. :-)

How To make a Perfect Suman

Suman is a  delicious Filipino Dainty that is very popular in the Philippines, there are different types of suman and the ingredients varies from each type. When I met Ate Pabling and tasted her "Suman" I said "wow this is so yummy" that's why I let her teach me how to cook a perfet suman because I want to share it to everybody and here is her secret and the suman she made.

4 cups glutinous rice
4 cups coconut milk
1/4 kilo white sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
thumb size ginger ( grated) optional
wilted banana leaves
water ( enough to cook the suman)

1. Soak the glutinous rice in a water for at least 20 minutes or until bloated then drained.
2. In a pot put the coconut milk, sugar, ginger and salt then bring to a boil, when boiling,  add the soaked glutinous rice, give a good stir, cover and cook it like a normal rice (sinaing) but do not cook thoroughly, when it is almost done (medyo bigas pa pero malapit ng maluto) turn off the heat.
3. Get the wilted banana leaves, spoon a portion of the rice then wrap in the banana leaves, do this until all the rice will be wrapped.
4. Put in the pot, add the water and boil the suman until fully cooked. ( around 45 minutes or more).

Buttered shrimps

Easy to cook shrimp dish that will make the eaters/ loved ones, love you more. Give it a try.

1/2 kilo shrimps
2 tomatoes
2 tablespoons butter
2 cloves garlic
1 small onion
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat the butter then saute the garlic, tomato and onion until soften then add the shrimps.
2. Give a good stir and increase the heat, add salt and pepper to taste then stir until done.
3. Serve it hot.

Pork Inihaw ( Carenderia Style)

Pork inihaw (Grilled pork) is one of the best sellers in my sisters eatery, but to make it affordable the technique is to put a lot of cucumber and additional soy sauce and slices of calamansi are added when serve. For those who wants to start a carenderia ( eatery) I hope this post will give you an idea.

1 kilo pork belly ( marinated with calamansi, soy sauce, black pepper and salt)
1 kilo cucumber ( sliced)
Vinegar according to your taste
1 onion ( sliced thinly)
ground pepper according to your taste

1. Grilled the pork and slice into bite size, combine with the cucumber, vinegar, onion and ground pepper, mix well.
2. Then serve with extra condiments and chili to enjoy.


Another Ilonggo's pride is this delicious chicken dish that's rich in taste, cooked in coconut water. If you know how to cook chicken tinola, this is very similar to it, the only difference is this is cooked with coconut water. You can add tinola vegetables for this recipe, mine I only want it this way.

1 whole native chicken ( chopped to your desired size)
3 young coconut (buko)  coconut and water seperated
2 cloves garlic
1 onion (minced)
2 stalks spring onion
1 stalk lemon grass (tanglad)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic, ginger and onion then add the chicken and braise for few minutes.
2. Add the coconut water and bring to a boil, when boiling add the lemon grass then simmer until the meat is tender, add the coconut meat, salt and pepper to taste then simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
3. Put the spring onion and serve it hot.

You can add coconut water if needed.

Binalot na Dilis Paksiw

I love cooking anchovies paksiw this way to avoid it from breaking up. I learned this style from my parents.

1/2 kilo anchovies ( dilis)
thumb size ginger
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 teaspoon black pepper (crushed)
banana leaves for wrapping

1.  Combine the anchovies, ginger, black pepper, salt, garlic and 1/4 cup vinegar and mix well.
2. Spoon a portion then place it on the banana leaves and wrap well.
3. When wrapping is done, put the rest of the vinegar, cover and cook over low heat. Serve when done.

Sinigang na Bangus

I'm craving for  a milkfish belly with soup and this is the perfect dish for it, the creamy milkfish belly in a hot sour soup oh so yummy.

1 big milkfish (bangus)
1 bunch kangkong (swamp cabbage)
1 onion
3 cups water ( add if needed)
2 tablespoons patis
chili finger ( siling haba)
1/4 kilo tamarind  (wash well boiled and drained) or  sinigang mix according to your taste
salt to taste
1. In a pot put the onion,  fish sauce, chili finger, salt and fish then cook over medium heat, allow the natural juice of the fish to come out and simmer for 3 minutes then add the water and bring to a boil.
2. Simmer until the fish is cooked then add the swamp cabbage and simmer until cooked then add the tamarind extract or sinigang mix then simmer for a minute and turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot.

Simple Tapioca Macaroni Salad

Simple and easy to prepare salad yet so delicious. I prepared this when I arrived at a friend's house who wants to taste one of my tapioca salads :-). She recommend this recipe for everybody because she really loved it after she tasted.

Ingredients for 20 servings:
1/2 kilo Tapioca pearls ( cooked and drained)
1/2 kilo macaroni ( cooked according to its packaging procedure)
1 can Fruit cocktail (380 grams)
500 ml Nestle All purpose cream (2 tetra packs)
1 can condensed milk (390 grams)
1 can evaporated milk (370 ml)
2 cups  any color nata de coco

1. Combine all the ingredients then refrigerate for few hours.
2. Serve with a smile :-).

Rellenong Bangus

Stuffed milkfish ( rellenong bangus) a little laborious to make but it's worth it, very yummy and perfect to prepare for the whole family specially during special gatherings.

Ingredients for 3 regular size Milkfish:
3 pieces milkfish  (properly cleaned)
1 onion( diced)
4 cloves garlic (minced)
1 carrot (minced)
1 cup green peas
1 bell pepper (minced)
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup corn starch for dusting
salt and pepper to taste
cooking oil for frying

1.Pound the fish gently to loosen meat from the skin, then remove all the meat and bones from inside the fish by scraping it with a spoon or handle of a ladle. Remove the central bone by breaking it in the tail and near the head.

2. Over low heat cook the fish meat, then let it cool and remove all the bones, set aside.

3. Saute the garlic and onion then add the de-boned and flaked fish, stir then add the rest of the ingredients and simmer until done. Stuff the skin of the fish with the filling.

4. After stuffing the fish, dust it with corn starch to avoid oil from splatting when you fry it. Heat the oil and deep fry the fish until golden brown.

5. After frying, set aside to cool before slicing ( slicing it while hot is easy to break) Serve it with rice and enjoy.

Note: You can marinate the skin with soy sauce and calamansi juice if you want.

Clam soup ( Sinabawan nga tuway)

This variety of sea shell is one of the bests for soups, in Mindanao region this is called Tuway. The meat is succulent and the soup is irresistible. "Higop na!" .


1/2 kilo clams
1 cup horse radish (malunggay)
1 onion
1 tomato
1 1/2 cup water
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a pot put the water, onion and tomato then bring to a boil, when boiling add the clams and boil for 2 minutes or until the shells opened.
2. Add the horse radish, salt and pepper to taste then simmer for a minute and turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot and enjoy.

Halabos na Alimango

Halabos is a cooking method in the Philippines wherein you cook the base ingredients with its own juice. This cooking procedure mostly applies to shrimps and crabs because these seafoods do not require a lot of time and soup in cooking.

1 kilo crab ( washed well)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cloves garlic


1. Put the crabs in a pan together with the salt and garlic.
2. Cook over medium heat until the natural juice comes out, stirring occasionally until done.
3. Serve hot .