Kiddie Leche Flan

Catch the attention of your kids with this colorful and delicious leche flan that will surely catch the hearts of your young ones.

Ingredients for 5 servings:
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup condensed milk
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon sugar
1 packet M&M chocolate

1. Put the sugar in the molder then caramelized it and let cool.

2. In a blender put the condensed milk, evaporated milk and egg yolks then blend well ( around a minute), if blender is not available just mix well manually, use a strainer and and strain and put in a molder. Steam for 45 minutes or until done. ( insert a toothpick to test if it's already cooked, when the toothpick comes out clean, it is done.)

3. Let cool then refrigerate for an hour or more, run a knife in the edges to remove easily, put a plate on top then turn it up side down to unmold.

4. Sprinkle with M&M chocolate and serve with love.

Tanigue Kinilaw

Nothing beats a very good kinilaw that's made with very fresh fish and spices, just like this version of kinilaw that shared to us by our regular contributor, Miss Gloria, she said that after eating this with her children, nothing's left, even if I was not able to taste it, I can imagine how yummy is this. The picture says it all.

Ingredients for 5 servings:
1/2 kilo tanigue fresh tanigue fish ( Spanish mackerel)
thumb size garlic ( sliced into strips)
1 onion
2 tomatoes ( optional)
1 teaspoon minced onion
1 tablespoon calamansi or lemon juice
spring onion
some chilis
1/4 cup calamansi juice or vinegar to season
salt to taste
1/2 cup vinegar ( to wash the fish)

1. Slice the fish into cubed and wash it properly with vinegar.
2. Combine all the ingredients and mix well.
3. Serve with a smile :-).

Contributed by: Miss Gloria Resurreccion

How To make Salted Eggs

Salted eggs are very easy to make, but you need to be patient for the best result, keeping the eggs longer in a brine solution gives that perfect texture and taste of the salted eggs. I used chicken eggs for this because there is no available duck eggs in my place, still the duck eggs are the best for this.

6 chicken eggs
3 cups water
1 cup salt

1. Put the salt and water in a pot then bring to a boil, let boil until the salt is fully dissolved, turn off the heat and allow the brine to cool.
2. When the brine is already cool, transfer it in a container where you are going to keep the eggs for the process. Make sure the eggs will not float by putting a heavy object on top of it then cover.

3. Keep it in a dark  place for 30 days. After 30 days remove from the brine then cook it until it is hard boiled ( around 10 minutes). Refrigerate and use it anytime you want it.

Note: You can add food color if you want to make some for sale.

Pancit Canton with Ground Beef

My all time favorite dish, I can cook it with anything, and I can eat it anytime, that's how I love pancit specially pancit canton. I love all  kinds of pancit but the texture of pancit canton is what I liked the most.

2 packs instant pancit canton ( cooked and drained) do not include the flavoring.
100 grams ground beef
1 carrot
1 onion
2 tablespoons soy sauce
3 cloves garlic
1 cup sliced cabbage
1/2 cup sliced green beans
1/2 piece red bell pepper
1/2 cup water ( add if needed)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the ground beef and simmer for a minute.
2. Add water, soy sauce, salt and pepper then bring to a boil when boiling increase the heat.
3 Add the carrot, green beans, bell pepper and cabbage and give a good stir, simmer until tender, then add the pre-cooked pancit and mix thoroughly and turn off the heat.
4.. Serve it hot.

Crab Sticks Rolls

I love crab sticks in sushi, but I love it more with this recipe that I invented, one Friday afternoon, succulent and crispy in every bite. You will surely ask for more.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
12 crab sticks
12 spring roll wrappers or if using big only 6 and cut into halves
1/4 kilo ground beef or pork
1 carrot ( minced)
1 small onion (minced)
salt and pepper to taste

Crab sticks

1. Mix the ground meat, carrots, onion, salt and pepper, then divide into 12 portions.
2 Spread the ground meat mixture on the wrapper then top the crab sticks, wrap well and sealed the wrapper with water or beaten egg.

3. Deep fry until golden brown and put in a paper towel to remove excess oil.
4 Slice and serve it hot.

How to Make Banana Ice Cream

You will be surprised with this dessert, very simple to make and bingo! It tastes like soft ice cream, believe it or not this is really fantastic and the ingredient is only BANANA, yes! BANANA alone is what we need for this dessert. Try it.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
5 ripe bananas

1. Peel the banana and slice into small pieces and freeze until harden or frozen.

2. Divide into 2 and blend each batch until so smooth.

3. Put in a serving dish and serve or you can use some sprinkles and chocolate syrup, etc, for more fun with the kids. Enjoy.

Ham and Cheese Pizza Bread

Treat your loved ones with this easy to prepare delicious snack.

5 slices  of bread ( sliced  into halves)
1/2  cup tomato sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
3 slices sweet ham
some onion rings
1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese or any melting cheese

1. Set the oven at 180C to preheat it.
2. Mix the tomato sauce and sugar then spread some to each slice of bread, then put the, onion rings, ham and cheese.
3. Bake for 5 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
4. Serve and enjoy!

How To Simply Preserve Strawberries

One of the fruits that can be easily rotten are strawberries, so if you have leftover strawberries preserve it before it ends up in the bin. Here is how to preserve it in a very simple way.

For 1/4 kilo we need 2 tablespoons of sugar.

In a pot put the sugar and when it starts to melt add the strawberries then stir over medium heat.
Let simmer ,  stirring constantly, you will notice that it will become syrupy, increase the heat to high and stir until it thickens, then turn off the heat.

Allow to cool before putting in a jar, refrigerate and you can use this anytime as a bread spread, dessert or top on ice cream, etc.

as ice cream sauce


If  bistek is for beef cooked like a steak but Filipino style, there is also a delicious fish dish cooked like bistek and the name is fistek, have you tried it? Of course it is yummy, specially this one that's contributed by a loving mom, who loves to cook delicious dishes for her love ones, enjoy this recipe from Miss Gloria Resurreccion of Cavite, Philippines.

1 kilo any fish of your choice ( this one we used tanigue or Spanish Mackerel)
1 teaspoon crushed black pepper
2 onions ( Sliced into rings)
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons calamansi Juice ( add if needed)
Salt to taste

1. Fried the fish then set aside. Saute the onion until soften, remove some for toppings later.
2. Add the water and black pepper, wait until it is boiling then add the fried fish and simmer for 2 minutes to give a soft texture to the fish, then add the soy sauce and calamansi juice, simmer until the sauce is well blended, turn off the heat. ( Add salt if needed)
3. Top with ring onions then serve.

Contributed by: Miss Gloria Resurreccion

See other recipe contribution from Miss Gloria
Tortang Talong

How to Make Homemade Skinless Longganisa

A simple way of making skinless longganisa, healthier than the one that we can buy from the market that is fully loaded with chemicals. Make it at the comfort of your home, happy cooking,

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:
1/4 kilo ground pork
8 cloves garlic ( minced)
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1 1/2  tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt

1.Combine  all the ingredients, mix well until fully blended, then divide into 8 portions, roll with your palms and form into longganisa shape.

2. Refrigerate or fry  right after making it, then serve it hot with fried egg and fried rice.

Note: Put a little sugar when you fry it, to give a caramelized texture.

Ginataang Labong

The viand that I will never get tired of. My favorite specially if it has lots of jute (saluyot).

1/4 kilo bamboo shoots
1/4 kilo shrimps
1 cup pure coconut milk ( kakang gata)
2 cups thin coconut milk ( hindi kakang gata)
1 small onion
2 cups cleaned saluyot
salt to taste

1. Boiled the bamboo shoots until tender, if its already tender remove the water, then replace it with light coconut milk, bring to boil then put the shrimps, salt and onion simmer until its almost done.
2. Put the saluyot and  simmer for 2 minutes then put the pure coconut milk, simmer for a minute then turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot.

Bukayo ( Palaman)

This is the best sandwich spread ( palaman) that we can have in our farm during my younger years, where electricity was not yet available in the remote areas of the town therefore, we do not have a refrigerator, since bukayo can be kept for a week without refrigerating it, my mother always have it available for us. Until now this is my family's favorite dessert and palaman. I will be sharing the dried version of bukayo soon, God willing.

4 cups shredded young coconut
2 cups sugar
1 cup coconut water


1. In a pan caramelize the 1/2 cup of sugar ( like what we do in leche flan) after caramelizing the 1/2 cup sugar, add the shredded coconut, coconut water and the rest of the sugar then cook over medium heat stirring constantly until it is done. It is done when the liquid is gone and your desired texture of the bucayo and the color is attained

Note: Caramelizing some sugar will make the color of the bukayo nicer.

The Crispy Pusit

Newly dried squid which my niece bought from the market today, I can't help it but have some, mmmm that smell while frying it, is an appetite booster and a taste bud tickler, now I am mouth watering.

As soon as the squids are crispy I grabbed the rice and the rest is history. :-).

Here is a recipe for dried squid

1 kilo small Squids  ( Cleaned thoroughly)
1/4  cup salt

1. Slit open the underneath portion of the squid entrails then
remove all the innards and clean well.
2. Put salt and mix well then sun dry it for 7 hours on a bamboo capping.
3. Collect the sun-dried then air-dry for an hour under the shade then pack and store in a cool dry place. You can have it anytime :-).

How To Make Ice Candy For Sale Version

An ice candy recipe designed to those who are planning to make ice candy that is for sale. This formula will make your customers come back for me, because this is really delicious and the ice is soft and smooth because of the cornstarch. Affordable and simple ingredients yet delicious. Will you start selling ice candy this summer? Who knows  where this small business could bring you? :-).

Ingredients for more than 200 pieces Ice candy using 1 1/4 X 10 Ice Candy Wrapper
7 litres water ( I revised the recipe on August 25, 2014 from 4 litres I tried 7 litres and it's better.)
1 cup powdered milk ( any brand)
2 cups corn starch or cassava starch dissolved in 1.5 litres water
1 3/4  kilos sugar ( you may reduce the sugar according to your taste)
1/2 tsp salt
Add your desired flavor ( buko, mango, chocolate, pineapple, etc)

300 pieces ice candy wrapper

1. Put the water in a big pot then bring to a boil, add the sugar and salt and mix well until it is fully dissolved.
2. Add the dissolved corn starch and powdered milk, stir very well to avoid the lumps formation, boil for 8 minutes, then turn off the heat, allow to cool for few hours then add your desired flavor.
3. Pack in the ice candy wrapper and freeze until frozen and it is now ready to be sold.

Note: If using fresh fruits at least 1 cup for flavoring if using a concentrated flavoring at least 1/2 cup or according to your taste.

Lemon Grass Meat Lollipop

A fragrant ground meat dish that is so delicious, aromatic in every bite.

1/2 kilo ground beef
1 big onion ( chopped)
1 big potato ( diced)
1 big carrot ( diced)
1 small bell pepper ( diced)
1 cup flour
2 eggs beaten ( seperate each)
1 cup bread crumps
salt and pepper to taste
7 lemon grass stalks ( tanglad) ( washed properly) cut in the middle and pounded a bit.

Lemon grass stalks, pounded and cut in the middle for a nice aroma

1. Combine the meat, carrot, potato, bell pepper, onion, 1 egg, flour, salt and pepper, mix well, then divide into 6 or 7 portions then put in lemon grass stalk, pressed well to make a strong hold.

 2. Dip in a beaten egg, then coat with bread crumbs.

3. Deep fry until golden brown then serve it hot.

Note: Fry over medium heat to ensure that the inner part is evenly cooked.

lemon grass