How to Make Pancake

The easiest snack that you can prepare for the whole family. Serve and enjoy!

2 cups all purpose flour
2cups milk
6 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg ( beaten)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine ( melted)

1. In a big bowl sift (sala-in) together the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder
2. Then make a well or space at the center and put the beaten egg, milk and melted butter. Mix it thoroughly until  smooth.

3.Heat a pan and brush it with a little butter or oil and scoop a portion of the pancake mixture and cook until both sides are done. (It's better to use a non stick pan)
ready to be flipped

4. Serve hot with pancake syrup or honey and fruits on top.

Crispy Kangkong

It was a long time ago when I learned how to cook this dish, I first cooked it for my nephew ( Jed) when he was 5 years old and he loved it so much that he cried when he finished eating what I served him. :-).

20 pieces kangkong leaves ( select large leaves)
1 beaten egg
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup water ( add if needed)
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a mixing bowl combine the flour, water, egg, salt and pepper then stir to mix it fully until the batter is smooth.
2.Dip each leaf in the batter until fully coated then deep fry until crispy.
3. Serve hot with your favorite dipping sauce.

Special Turon

Turon is a popular banana dish in the Philippines and this is also one of my favorites. Sweet and crispy in every bite, I added some jackfruit to make it special. Yummy!

Ingredients for 12 turon:
12 spring roll wrappers
6 ripe banana ( cut into halves)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 kilo jackfruit (langka)
oil for frying

1. Slice the banana into halves or to your desired size then place it on a spring roll wrapper together with the jackfruit.
2. Wrap it properly and deep fry it until cooked.

3. Melt the sugar by putting it in a pan over medium heat until melted then pour on top of cooked turon.
4. Serve it hot with your favorite drinks.

Suam Na Mais

Suam na mais is a rich corn flavored soup from Pampanga, the original recipe uses "dahon ng sili" since it's not available in my place I used okra and talbos ng camote, it is still very yummy. It is important that we use the malagkit type of corn to attain that thick creamy texture in the soup.

Ingredients for 5 servings:
4 pieces young white malagkit corn
1/4 kilo shrimps ( cleaned and de-shelled)
3 cups water (add if needed)
5 pieces okra ( cut into halves)
2 cups camote tops ( talbos ng camote)
3 cloves garlic
1/2 onion
salt and pepper to taste

1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the shrimps and saute until the shrimps turned pinkish, then add the corn and simmer for a minute.
2. Add the water, salt and pepper, simmer until the corn is tender.
3. Add the okra and simmer until half cooked then add the camote tops and simmer until done and turn off the heat.
4. Serve it hot.

Sauted Shrimp Paste and Tomato

 This is very easy to prepare but one of the yummiest appetizers or even viand.

1 cup shrimp paste ( bagoong alamang)
3 tomatoes ( sliced)
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon sugar

1. Saute the garlic and tomatoes then add the shrimp paste and sugar.
2. Simmer until done and serve or keep in a jar and serve anytime you want it.

Chicken Kare-kare

Kare kare is a popular Filipino dish made with ox tail and tripe but today I tried it with chicken and it's also very yummy. Try this and let me know what is your opinion.

Ingredients for 8-10 servings:
1 kilo chicken (cut to your desired size)
2 cups water ( add if needed)
2 eggplant
1/4 kilo string beans or Baguio Beans
1 bunch pechay or Chinese cabbage
1/2 cup ground peanut or peanut butter (add if needed)
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon atsuete powder ( add if needed)
salt and pepper to taste
Some shrimp paste for dipping sauce ( sawsawan)

1. Saute the garlic and onion until brownish then add the atsuete powder, continue to saute for 30 seconds then add the chicken and simmer until pinkish color of the meat is gone.
2. Add water and bring to a boil, when boiling reduce the heat and continue to simmer until the chicken is cooked.
3. Add the peanut butter,eggplant and beans then simmer until half cooked,then add the Chinese cabbage, salt and pepper to taste and simmer until done.

4. Serve it hot with shrimp paste for dipping.

Inihaw na Pusit

Fresh squids plus perfect cooking time equals tender and juicy squid.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
2 medium size squids ( wash well)
1 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon calamansi juice
salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients and place over a hot griller, cook for 2 minutes each side the perfect timing to cook medium size squids. Overcooking it, will make the texture of the squid like a rubber.

2. After cooking, slice and garnish then serve right away.

Simple Paksiw na Pata

I like this dish of pork legs next to adobo because if you cook the pork legs this way the vinegar neutralized the fatty flavor making it tastes excellent and perfect to pair  with rice.

Ingredients for 8 servings:
 1 kilo pork leg (pata)
 5 cloves garlic (crushed)
 1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon peppercorn ( pamintang buo)
 1 cup vinegar
 3 cups water
 salt if needed

1. In a pot put the garlic, pata, soy sauce, vinegar,peppercorn then allow to simmer until the meat absorbed the color of the soy sauce.
3. Add the water and cover, simmer until it is tender stirring occasionally
4. When it is done serve it with rice :-)

Champorado with Gata

champorado with tinapa
One of my childhood food that I still crave every now and then. Yummy!

1/2 cup glutinous rice
1/2 cup ordinary rice
8 cups water
2 cups pure coconut milk
1/2 cup chocolate powder
sugar (according to your taste)

1. Mix the rice and wash it then put in a pot together with the water and bring to a boil. When it is boiling, stir occasionally so that it will not stick at the bottom of the pot. Add the chocolate powder then simmer over low heat until the rice is very tender.
2. When it's done add the coconut milk and stir until evenly mixed, then add sugar and simmer for few minutes and turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot with tuyo or tinapa  and enjoy!

Buko Pandan Salad with Tapioca Pearls

Last time I made buko pandan salad  and it was so delicious that we craved for more, that's why the next day I made again and this time I put tapioca pearls as an extender, it is even yummier and we enjoyed it all.

6  pieces young coconut ( scraped and well drained)
3 cups Nestle cream or All Purpose Cream
1 1/2 cup condensed milk (add if needed)
1 small can evaporated milk ( 154 ml)
1/4 kilo tapioca pearl ( Cooked and drained)
1 pack ( 10 grams) unflavored green gelatine powder
3 tablespoons pandan flavor

1. Cook the gelatine according to its packaging procedure then add the pandan flavor, mix well and pour in a molder and refrigerate until harden. Cut into dice or cube.
2.Mix all the ingredients then refrigerate for few hours.
3. Serve with a smile and enjoy :-).


Kusahos is an Ilonggo  way of preserving meat by sun drying it. After drying it, it's fried and ready to be served. It is very tasty. I learned this from my Ilonggo relatives when  I was younger, during the time when there's no electricity yet in my town. :-).

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1/2 kilo beef tenderloin ( slice thinly)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
3 cloves garlic ( minced)

1. Combine all the ingredients and mix well then dry under the sun.

3. When it's dried it's ready to be fried.

4. Fry until done then serve it hot. You can top it with toasted garlic.

Paksiw na Matambaka

Matambaka is a common fish in the Philippines and always available at the market throughout the year. When it is very fresh it is so tasty and I like to cook it as paksiw. Paksiw is a Filipino cooking method that uses vinegar. It is simple and easy to do.

1/2 kilo matambaka
3/4 cup vinegar
4 cloves garlic ( crushed)
1 onion
thumb size ginger( strips)
some chili
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a pot put all the ingredients and let it boil then simmer until cooked.
2. If the taste of the vinegar is so strong, you can add a little water.
3. Simmer for few  minutes until done.
4. Serve it with rice

Bihon with Tuna Chunks

A delicious combination of rice noodles and tuna, loaded with vegetables making the dish super nutritious.

1/2 kilo bihon
3 cloves garlic
1 small onion
1 can tuna (chunks)
6 cups water
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
salt to taste
1 cup cleaned cauliflower
5 pieces green beans ( sliced diagonally)
3 cabbage leaves ( sliced diagonally)
1 carrot( Sliced into strips)


1. Saute the garlic and onion then add the tuna and simmer for 2 minutes.
2. Add water, ground pepper and salt to taste,  then simmer and add all the vegetables then simmer for 30 seconds.
3. Add the bihon and give a good stir, simmer and stir until cooked.
4. Serve it hot.

Nilagang Buto ng Langka

Masarap at malinamnam ang nilagang buto ng langka, kaya pagkatapos naming kainin ang laman inipon ko ang mga buto, hinugasang maigi at nilaga ko.Masarap po ito lasang mani para sa akin.


Mga sangkap:
buto ng langka
tubig (sapat na makapagluto sa mga buto)

Paraan ng Pagluluto:
1. Ilagay sa kaldero ang tubig at buto ng langka, pakuluan hanggang sa lumambot (45 minutos o higit pa).

2. Kapag luto na ay alisin ito sa tubig at pwede ng ihain.

Ginisang Kulitis

Wild Spinach or kulitis were not planted in our garden, they just grew naturally. It can be used in many dishes but I love it sauteed with sardines. Have you seen this at your backyards? They're everywhere. Just get the top part then wash very well and it is ready to be used.

3 cups kulitis
1 can sardines
1 onion
salt and pepper to taste

1. Wash the kulitis very well and set aside. Saute the onion then add the sardines and simmer for a minute.

Fresh wild spinach- kulitis
2. Increase the heat to high then put the kulitis, salt and pepper to taste and stir very well for a minute then turn off the heat.
3. Serve it with rice and do not forget to smile. :-).

Organic Leche Flan

I made this for a pregnant friend that's why I used organic products because as much as possible I want it to be nutritious. Since there is no organic condensed milk I used the one that's labeled "light" lesser calories. My pregnant friend enjoyed the leche flan so much :-).

4 organic egg yolks
1 cup condensed milk (light)
3/4 cup organic fresh milk
2 tablespoons organic sugar or 3 tablespoons honey

1.Mix together the fresh milk, condensed milk and egg yolks until fully combined.
2. In a molder put the sugar then melt until it caramelized, let cool.
3. Strain the leche flan mixture and pour in the molder then steam for 45 minutes or until done.
4. Refrigerate  before serving and enjoy!

Buko Pandan Salad

Buko pandan is a popular sweet salad in the Philippines that is so creamy and yummy made with young coconut meat and added with pandan and gelatine.

6  pieces young coconut ( scraped and well drained)
2 cups Nestle cream or All Purpose Cream
1 cup condensed milk (add if needed)
1 pack ( 10 grams) unflavored green gelatine powder
2 tablespoons pandan flavor

1. Cook the gelatine according to its packaging procedure then add the pandan flavor, mix well and pour in a molder and refrigerate until harden. Cut into dice or cube.
2.Mix all the ingredients then refrigerate for few hours.
3. Serve with a smile and enjoy :-).

re-cooked June 4, 2014

Note: If using pandan leaves, boil 6 pandan leaves with 4 cups of water then use the pandan water when you cook the gelatine.

Binagoongang Sitaw

String beans cooked deliciously with shrimp paste. I hope you will try this.

1/2 kilo string beans ( sitaw)
1/2 cup shrimp paste ( bagoong) make sure it is not too salty
3 cloves garlic
1 cup water
1 onion

1. Saute garlic and onion then add the shrimp paste and saute until well cooked.
2. Add the water and allow to boil then increase the heat to high then add the string beans and stir every now and then until done.
3. Serve it hot.

Adobong Tokwa sa Gata

A healthy dish made from tofu contributed by Maureen Ava Fernandez. I will try this recipe soon.

500 grams of Medium firm Tofu
1 can coconut milk
2 tbsp. of soy sauce
2 tbsp. of white vinegar
pinch of salt to taste
pinch of pepper to taste
Vegetable oil
Red or green chili pepper or Siling Haba
3 cloves of garlic
1 onion head


Fry the tofu ( tokwa) nice and golden brown
Set aside and cut it into  squares
Sauté  onion and garlic, put the fried tokwa , soy sauce and vinegar
don't stir let tokwa absorb  all the liquid from soy sauce and vinegar wait until reduced,
then add the  coconut milk, salt and pepper to taste . When almost done add the siling haba and serve.

Contributed By: Maureen Ava Fernandez