Mely's Kitchen Arroz Valenciana

Today we will make a simple and easy way of cooking arroz Valenciana, and I hope that you will try this dish from my kitchen. :-). I like a Valenciana taht is not too sticky that's why I combined the white rice and glutinous rice I designed this recipe specially to those who are just beginning to cook, I will make a very special one soon, God willing. Enjoy cooking.

Ingredients for 6 servings
2 cups cooked glutinous rice ( malagkit)
2 cups cooked  white rice ( the normal rice that we eat during meals)
4 cloves garlic
1 onion
 2 tomatoes
2 pieces chicken hotdog
1/4 kilo pork lean meat( boiled and sliced)
2 chicken drumsticks ( chopped)
2 tablespoon atsuete seeds ( annatto)
3/4 cup water
 1 bell pepper
salt and pepper to taste
1 hard boiled egg 

Optional ingredients
2 chicken liver (optional)
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup green peas

Some of the ingredients
1.In a pan boil the atsuete with 3/4 cup water, let boil for 2 minutes then mix it well ( the darker the color the better) drain and set aside. ( we need 1/2 cup of this)

2. Saute the garlic then the onion and tomato add the chicken meat and liver, salt and pepper then simmer for few minutes. Then add the pork and hot dog then simmer for few minutes, then add the 1/2 cup atsuete water mixture and bell pepper, then simmer until all the ingredients were incorporated with the atsuete color, add salt and pepper if needed.

3. Add the rice and mix well then simmer for few minutes until fully combined. Turn off the heat and add some green peas and raisins if you want.

4. Serve with hard boiled egg slices. Happy eating!

Cookies N' Cream Polvoron

Most of the cookies N' Cream Polvoron that I've tasted, I can not feel the cookies and cream because it's almost pulverized,  that is why in this recipe I wanted to try if it is better if the bits of cookies are bigger.  It is yummy munching the polvoron with bigger bits of cookies and cream. Try this and let me know.

Ingredients for 24 pieces polvoron:
2 cups flour ( sifted)
2 cups powdered milk
1/2 cup sugar
4 pieces cookies and cream ( crushed)
3/4 cup margarine or butter ( melted)

1. In a pan put the flour and cook over low heat for 5 minutes or until the aroma of the flour comes out, then add the milk and sugar, then continue to stir until done then turn off the heat.
2. Pour in the melted butter and mix well.
3. Let cool and mix in the crushed cookies then by using a molder, start molding the mixture and refrigerate for 30 minutes before packing in a water cellophane or just keep it in an airtight jar to munch anytime.

Sarciadong Manok

My grandma is a good cook for this using the fresh tomatoes from our garden, so good and delicious.
Today I tried remembering her recipe but I added tomato sauce. It is delicious and creamier.

1/2 kilo Chicken legs or any chicken part yo want to use
1 onion
2 tomatoes
1 beaten egg
1/2 cup tomato sauce
4 cloves garlic
1 cup water
salt and pepper to taste

1. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper then deep fry it until brownish. Set aside
2. Saute the garlic, onion and tomatoes until soften, then add the chicken and simmer for a minute over medium heat then add the tomato sauce and stir.

3. Add the water, salt and pepper then simmer for l5 minutes or until cooked stirring ocassionally, then add the beaten egg and give a good stir and simmer until done.
4. Serve it hot with rice.

Salad na Puso ng Saging

 This is the salad that has a special place in my heart because I grew up with this at our farm, we always have it every weekend together with fried fish or meat. Yummy.

1 banana blossom ( puso ng saging)
1/2 cup vinegar
1 cup pure coconut milk
1/2 piece onion
thumb size ginger ( cut into strips)
1 red bell pepper ( strips)
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon sugar or to taste

1.Clean the banana blossom and remove the hard part, then slice in to wedges and boil until tender, once tender remove from water then slice into your desired size and squeeze.
2. Bring the coconut milk to boil then put all the ingredients and simmer until well incorporated then turn off the heat.
3. Serve with love :-).

Bacon wrapped Asparagus with Mushroom Gravy

 The gravy adds a life to the usual bacon wrapped asparagus, making it extra delicious and satisfying.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
6 stalks of asparagus
12 strips of bacon
Mushroom gravy ( click on how to learn to make mushroom gravy)

1. Wrap each asparagus with the bacon ( use 2 strips of bacon for each asparagus)
2. Deep fry until golden brown then top it with mushroom gravy and serve, oh so delicious!

Scrambled Egg Sandwich

Tonight is a survival night for me, do you know why? Because it's  raining, therefore the stores were closed now, and I do not have a lighter or anything I could use to on the stove, after almost 20 minutes of searching something to light the stove I gave up, then I turned on the oven to 200C, beat an egg, grease the baking pan, poured in the beaten egg, sprinkled it with salt and pepper, then put in the oven after 2 minutes it's cooked, I sliced a burger bun and heat it in the oven too after a minute or two I removed it and assembled my sandwich with some  cream cottage cheese, lettuce and apple slices, presto! I survived! I enjoyed my sandwich, yummy!

Fresh Fruits with Yoghurt

This one is perfect to welcome your day at breakfast table. Low in calories but high with nutrients to sustain your activities. Go for it.

Ingredients for 4 serfvings:
1 cup green grapes
1 cup purple grapes
2 bananas ( slice according to your desired size)
1 cup yoghurt ( any flavor of your choice)
1 apple or plum ( sliced as shown in the picture)

1. Wash all the fruits properly.
2. Arrange the fruits in the serving platter then pour in the yogurt and serve.

Stuffed Bitter Melon Soup

Have you tried this bitter melon soup before? This is a must try soup dish, healthy and yummy.

1 piece bitter melon ( cut into big rings as you can see in the picture below)
2 rolls sotanghon
4 cups water
100 grams ground beef or pork
1/2 onion
1 small tomato
3 cloves garlic
salt and pepper to taste

1. Soak the transparent noodles ( sotanghon) in a water until soften.

2. When the sotanghon is soft enough, cut it  into an inch long then mix it with the ground meat, onion, salt and pepper then stuff the mixture into the bitter melon rings. If there is a leftover from the mixture of meat and sotanghon, set it aside.

3. Saute the garlic and tomato then add the water and bring to a boil, once boiling add the stuffed bitter melon and the leftover mixture then simmer until done, add salt and pepper if necessary.
4. Serve it hot and add some chili to give it a kick. Yummy!

Bistek without Soy Sauce

I have lots of friends who do not use soy sauce for health reasons, and cooking a dish that calls for soy sauce to intensify the color of the meat so that it will not pale looking is a problem. I hope this problem will be ended today by following the technique that I used here by browning the onion which I learned from my friend Miss Sheru.

1/2 kilo beef tenderloin ( sliced thinly)
3 tablespoons of calamansi or lemon juice
2 medium size onion ( 1 sliced into rings, 1 minced)
1/4 cup water
salt and pepper to taste

1. Marinate the beef with the juice, salt and pepper for few hours, then remove, and reserve the marinade.
2. Fry the beef and set aside.
3. Saute the  minced onion until brownish then add the marinade to intensify its color and will make the sauce darker. Then add the water and simmer for 2 minutes.

4. Add the ring onion and fried beef then simmer until done. Serve hot with rice.

Chocolate chips Refrigerator Cake

Simple and easy as it can be, this no bake cake will surely be  as special as baked ones when you serve this during special occasions. Very yummy yet easy to make. Try it.

Ingrdients for 6 servings:
1 pack chocolate chips cookies
2 cups whipped cream ( Click here to learn how to make whipped cream )

1. Put a whipped cream on each piece of cookies and connect together until all the cookies are consumed.  Now we have a log of cookies.

2. Cover the cookie log with  the whipped cream until smooth and nice. You can decorate it if you want.

3. Refrigerate for few hours or overnight, then slice slantly and serve with a smile :-) .

Ginataang Tangkay ng Gabi

I cooked this out of curiosity, I was walking at the market and saw bundles of taro stalks, then I asked the vendor if it can be cooked for food, or is he selling it for some ornamental reasons, he said he knew it can be cooked for food but most of his costumers used it for flower arrangement. I said I will buy one and I will try to cook it for my blog, he said what?  :-) . Well, I cooked it and it's yummy.

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:
3/4 kilo tangkay ng gabi
1/4 kilo shrimps
3 cups water
2 cups pure coconut milk
some chili
1 onion
thumb size ginger ( crushed)
salt and pepper to taste

Tangkay ng gabi
1.Wash the taro stalks properly then clean it by removing the outer skin and cut it into an inch length.

2.In a pot put the ginger, onion, chili, shrimps, water, salt and pepper then bring to a boil. Once boiling increase the heat to high then put the taro stalks ( tangkay ng gabi) and boil until tender. 
3. When it is tender, put the coconut milk then simmer for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.
4. Serve it hot.

Sweet Spiced Fried Pork

I love this pork dish because the taste is like a sweet ham.

 Ingredients for 4 servings:
1/2 kilo pork ( slice according to your desired thickness)
1 tablespoon grated ginger
2 tablespoons calamansi or lemon juice
3 cloves garlic ( minced)
salt and pepper to taste
sugar for coating


1. In a mixing bowl combine the meat, ginger, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper then mix well. Set aside for an hour.
2. Coat each piece of the meat with sugar then fry it.
3. Serve it hot.

Roasted Turkey

This delicious and succulent turkey was roasted for 6 hours. I cooked this with love to ensure that the inner part will not be raw, that's why I applied the slow roasting, and the result is amazing! A tender and juicy roasted turkey, beyond compare.

1 whole turkey ( this one is almost 6 kilos)
1/2 cup oregano flakes
1/2 cup lemon or calamansi juice
1 litre Sprite
salt and pepper to taste

1.Marinate the turkey overnight with Sprite, salt and pepper.
2.Remove from marinade then sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper, massage well then spread evenly the oregano flakes.

3. Roast in a preheated oven at 100C for 4 hours, then after 4 hours increase the temperature to 150C then roast for an hour and a half, then after this increase the temperature to 200 and roast for 20 minutes then turn off the heat.
4. The result is a well cooked,  tender and juicy turkey that is now ready to be served. Enjoy!

If you have a special way of cooking turkey do not hesitate to share it with me.

Creamy Shrimps

Make sure that the rice is enough for everybody when you serve this creamy shrimps because it will surely boost your appetite, the cream made the dish so irresistible .You will crave for more.

Ingredients for 5 servings:
1/2 kilo shrimps
1 onion
1 teaspoon ginger strips
4 cloves garlic
3/4 cup Nestle cream or all purpose cream
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup water
some spring onions

1. Saute the garlic, then add the ginger and onion, continue to saute until soften then add water and simmer then add the shrimps and simmer until cooked.
2. Add the cream, spring onion, salt and pepper to taste then simmer for a minute then turn off the heat.
3. Serve it hot.

Glorious Prawns

A tangy and succulent savor prawns that's perfect for any season. I added some fried spinach leaves when I serve it.

1/2 kilo prawns ( cleaned)
1 onion
5 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon peanut butter
2 tablespoon soy Sauce
2 tablespoons lemon or calamansi juice
1 tablespoon honey or sugar
1/4 cup water (Add if necessary)
salt and pepper to taste
Spring onion for garnishing

1.  Saute the garlic and onion then add the prawns and allow to simmer for a  minute or until the color changed.
2. Add the lemon juice, honey and soy sauce then simmer for a minute.
3. Add the water, salt and pepper to taste then simmer for 2 minutes.
4. Add the peanut butter and give it a good stir until fully mixed then simmer until done.
5. Garnish with spring onion then serve it hot.

Orange Glazed Duck

My bestfriend from London shared this recipe. Mouth watering!

1 whole duck
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon chopped ginger
chili flakes according to your taste

1.Preheat oven to 200C then put the duck in, without basting it for 20 minutes.
2. In a saucepan mix the orange juice, honey, ginger and chili flakes then simmer for few minutes. Remove form heat and this is now ready to be used for basting.
3. After 20 minutes decrease the oven temperature to 180C then remove the duck and brush it with the basting sauce,  continue this process of basting the duck every 15 minutes for an hour and 10 minutes.
4. When cooking is done, serve it with rice.

Contributed by Vince  O'Malley

Ground Pork Omelette

 I have few guests today and this is one of the viands that I prepared for them because this is so economical yet yummy.

Ingredients for 8 servings:
1/4 kilo ground pork
1 onion ( minced)
3 cloves garlic ( minced)
1/2 cup flour
4 eggs
1/2 cup water
salt and pepper to taste.

1.In a big bowl combine all the ingredients and mix well.
2. Spoon a portion and fried in the enough amount of oil until golden brown.
3. Serve it hot.

Note: you can add minced carrots and potatoes for this recipe